"She wasn't that intimidating," I say. The three of us sit down at a couch in the bar area. Fitz speaks up, "Not intimidating? She's a scientifically enhanced Lara Croft."

"I could take her," I look back in the direction, seeing her still staring at us. Creepy.

"It's like watching two Amazonian Women Warriors," Mack says next. I put my hand to my chest, "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"I just hope they don't make us wait here all night like chums," Fitz grumbles, keeping the case close on his side. Yeah, I hope so too.


After about an hour of the five of us chatting through coms and talking about whatever enhanced parts people that are walking by have, Anon appears out of no where in front of us. "Hello. Please follow me."

She looks me up and down before turning around and walking away. I raise my eyebrows at FitzSimmons, "I have a feeling she doesn't like me."

The three of us follows behind her, the wall that I suspected being a door opening. We follow behind her and the door closes behinds us. Mack speaks up, "This wasn't in the schematics."

She looks back at us with a creepy smile, which I return with a sarcastic one. She continues to walk us into an elevator. "Are we meeting Dr. Radcliffe?" Fitz asks.

She doesn't answer as she hits the button as we head down quickly. Well, this should be fun.

Once we stop, the elevator opens and she leads us through a door. I walk in first, slowing down when I see a man on a table, his eye forced open with a metal clamp and a cloth covering the rest of his face. Um.

Anon pushes a cart towards us with surgical tools on it. Oh, hell no.

Simmons speaks up, "I'm not sure we understand."

"You are looking to sell the doctor eye technology, are you not?"

"Yes, but-"

"The doctor will meet you once I've seen the surgery is complete and your cybernetic eye is in place."

"So, you want us to remove his eye and replace it?" Fitz clarifies.

"Dr. Radcliffe needs assurance that your technology meets his standards," Anon says. "The only way to do this is to test it on a live human specimen."

"I guess that's why we're not doing it on you," I smile. She smiles back, "Whenever you're ready."

The three of us exchange looks before Fitz says, "Uh, can you give us a minute to prep?"

The three of us walk to the other side of the room, our backs to robo-girl. Jemma talks first, "This seems completely unethical."

"We've done far more questionable things for our employer," Fitz reasons. I furrow my eyebrows. More questionable than replacing a guys eye?

"Third and fourth opinion would be welcome," I say, pushing the glasses further up my nose.

"If Radcliffe's our only way to cure Tremors," Mack says, referring to Daisy, "You know where I stand."

"And he seems to be a willing subject," Bucky adds.

"Then it's decided," Jemma nods. She turns to him,  "All right, sir. I'm just going to need to numb the area before we begin." She picks up a huge needle and puts on some magnifying goggles, before turning back towards the man.

I stand back with Fitz, whispering, "This is way over my head."

"Okay," She says, getting closer to him with the needle, "You may feel a slight pinch."

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now