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Que's POV
So it is the next day and Billie and I are at the store looking for shirts to tell everyone billie is pregnant. "Babe look what about these". She says "I like them but it's your choice mamas" "ok so we're getting these then". She said with sass.

20 minutes later
  We are at Billie's house waiting for everyone one to get there we put the shirts inside Billie's room while we wait in the living room for everyone to get here. We heard the door. "I'll go get it" Billie said "hi Finneas, hi Claudia" "hi Billie" they both said at the same time. "Hi Que" "Sup Que". Claudia said first then went Finneas.

10 minutes later
  Maggie and Patrick arrived.

5 minutes later
We are all on the couch playing a game. Who ever wins get a gift. We were also in teams. Maggie was with Patrick, Finneas was with Claudia and I was with Billie. "Haha we win" Finneas yelled "what's our prize"? He said very interested. "Come over here" Billie said. They got up and walked over to Billie's room. We separated the shirts aunts and uncles in one bag and grandma and grandpa in other. Billie handed them the bag and told them to go in the bathroom and change.  About 4 minutes later they came out crying and running over to billie crying which also made Billie cry. I shed a tear but wiped it away quickly as they came to me giving me a hug. Maggie and Patrick has no idea what was going on. "What going on" "mom look" Finneas said "Omg really Billie" Maggie said. "Didn't think I was going to be a grandpa this early" Patrick said. "Omg I'm going to be a grandma omg". Patrick and Maggie got up to hug billie. "Billie can I talk to you" Maggie said.

Billie's POV
"Ok" I said
"Billie are you going to talk to you management about this" "about what" "about you being pregnant" "no not yet" I said "well billie you have to do it sooner or later" "ok mom" I said a little frustrated. My management gets mad so easily it like when I told them me and q are together they had a tenter tantrum and now that I'm going to tell them I pregnant it's going to be even worse.

I decided to call my management now and tell them "hello" Danny said "Danny" "yes Billie" "I need to tell you something very important" "what is it" "I'm pregnant"  "your what" "I'm pregnant and it's Que's" " no no no billie you can't be pregnant your to young and your famous you need to get an abortion" "no" "Billie this baby is going to ruin your life". "I would rather have my life ruin by having a family, then killing a baby" and that's when I hung up. I can't deal with this anymore and that's when I got a call.

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