Deku wants to fuck Todo

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I saw my time to escape.

My hands slid out of the handcuffs and I stood up for the first time in a few days. The window was open, those fools.

My body just came through the small opening and the cold wind once again hit my skin. Buzz My phone went off again. Could Shigaraki ever stop nagging on me to come back, I do whatever the fuck I want. No one owes me.

As my feet hit the ground again the thought hit me, I want him.

For the first time hesitation kicked in. Was leaving the right decision? I didn't love him, I just wanted him.

I ran back to the dorm room, sitting on the windowsill. The Canadian flag was looking so peaceful as he laid on the floor sound asleep.

I jumped down and walked closer to the boy.

       "Hm", the boy mumbled. "D-Deku?".

I was now only millimeters from Shoto's face. I could see his different colored eyes staring into me, I hate humans.

        "I want you", I whispered. It was a weird urge. "This doesn't change anything, I still hate you".

       "Mhm", he nodded and his lips crushed into mine. There was such passion in the kiss, a passion I couldn't return. There was only a urge and no such thing as passion. Everything would disappear. End of distractions. "I want you too"

But it wasn't just an urge.

This wouldn't end.

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