CupheadxMexican!reader Say My Name

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Final update of the day.

Requested by cendy_me

Small A/n: Each part of the song lyrics will decide who's pov it is. Unless they are in speech marks. Brackets are translation of the Spanish sung.

Cuphead You No one You&Cups

You've been dressing up the truth. I've been dressing up for you. Then you leave me in this room, this room. Pour a glass and bite my tongue. You say I'm the only one. If it's true, then why you running, you running.

Hey there, names Cuphead. I'm still in my freshman year (had to repeat a year) closing to the end. Roaming the halls looking for Fanny my girlfriend for the whole of this year. However, whilst looking for her I ended up being tripped over by a bunch of jocks. Why? Well I'm dressed like a nerd with the glasses but not completely. I'm sick and tired of being a jock in previous school life. Things are getting odd around Fanny though. It's has been for a while just a few months after the confession.

Oh-woah-oah. If you're really being honest. If you really want this (oh-woah-oah).

Poor little Cups just found out that Fanny was cheating on him for another jock. Same one since the time she was acting off but she pulled out the innocent card. Things about she doesn't know Cuphead and lies she makes up. "Why you acting like a stranger?!" His poor porcelain heart couldn't take it, "What's with your behaviour?!" Was all he got back. Oh-woah-oah.

Say my name, say my name. If you love me, let me hear you. Say my name, say my name. I am dying to believe you. I feel alone in your arms. I feel you breaking my heart. Say my name, say my name. If you love, me let me hear. Let me hear you.

She came back apologising, saying my name and that she still love me. She dumped the guy for me and it won't happen ever again. I know she's lying but why did I accept her back?

I got darkness in my head. Don't believe a word you said. Still I let you in my bed, my bed (yeah). Got too many different sides. Got dishonour in your eyes. Something has to change tonight, tonight, tonight.

Things still haven't changed over the few weeks and there's only a couple months left. Cuphead is breaking and shattering every second as Fanny is still cheating on him. Yet she still acts as if she's still with Cuphead even with her dramatic mood swings. A new kid was transferred over to study abroad from Mexico. Who might be able to change his horrid love life.

Oh-woah-oah. If your really being honest. If you really want this. Oh-woah-oah. Why you acting like a stranger? What's with your behaviour?

She's really only just acting. But why doesn't my heart want to believe it? Is it because everything was normal when she's around like those three months? Hmm? The new kid passed me a note mouthing the words 'read it'.

I may not know you for long but your gonna need to get her back for what she did to you. Meet me at the back of school after when we're done for the day.

- New kid

It was the next day after the plan we made even with some help from Mugs and the others. They apparently met during different classes and became friends quite easily. I was back into a jock after the nerd get up, everyone was staring but hey f*ck it. Finally back to my old self as Bendy described it. Most all the plastics barbie dolls was blushing with wide eyes especially Fanny. Her man ended up giving me glares from hell while she was flirting. "Cuppy~ Please take me back! I won't cheat on you again! You're my one and only hotshot!" "Say my name, say my name. If you love me, let me hear you. Say my name, say my name." She kept on repeating my name but I can't give two f*cks about it no more, not anymore since they came. "I am dying to believe you. I feel alone in your arms. I feel you breaking my heart. Say my name, say my name. If you love, me let me hear you."

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