It must be a Dream

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It was a  cozy,snowy Febraury evening.I dozed off in my car,parked on the highway.I only wore my sweatshirt,fortunately.I had no intention to waste my money simply for so called protecting myself.People call me an ego-maniac,and a miser,but I don't understand why.I woke with a start.I just then heard an owl hooting followed by a screeching noise,that seemed to come from a tree nearby.I looked outside through my car's window,after drowsily winding down the glass.Then I saw a figure in the dark surroundings, a little away from the road.And it was moving towards me.I thought it would either be a thief or some friend of mine.But,what on earth was that?I witnessed two balls of fire,light up all by themselves in the face of whoever it was.Clearly, I thought,I was out of my mind and  gone completely crazy.I wished it wasn't so dark.Lack of sleep turned me into a weird guy.

                                          And what on earth happened to all that busy,never ending traffic?Where have all the street lights gone?Where am I?Where are the cars that were parked before and after mine?I grew anxious and panicked at the sight I had in front of me,presented to me with utmost cruelty.

                                       Beads of perspiration began to form on my forehead.My mouth became dry.I was so shocked that no sound came out even though I spoke.No,I didn't speak,I screamed.Except that nobody heard me.Leave that alone,I couldn't hear myself.I clutched my hair and then nervously tried to open the door.My luck worked pretty well and it opened up,unlike what happens in movies.I sprang out and thought of running towards some shade,since it began to drizzle.But then,I felt like the soil under my feet was sinking.No,I was sinking.And that wasn't soil at all.It was some slimy thing that i couldn't make out.I cursed the darkness.Suddenly ,the slippery thing stopped moving down.I remembered my car and feeling that it's safe to have it's keys with me,I instantly turned back,only to  see it  being swallowed in front of me.It sank and It looked like there wasn't anything there. 

                                                    Then I looked closely at whatever I was standing upon.I went white in my face and screamed,horrified at the sight.It was fresh blood. 

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