"Have you told Lotta about the headline tour?" Con asks siting down.

"No, but I'll tell we tonight before she leaves, how about you?" I reply

"I haven't seen Lu all day, so I guess soon" he replies as Tris and James walk in the room.

We wait outside the main hall until Charlotte shows up looking beautiful as ever. I notice Con, James and Tris jaws drop when they see her.

"Too much" she asks I'm speechless, but she looks like a supermodel.

"No.. it's.. your... Just, so beautiful. Oh and I like the hat" I stutter

She smiles then we walk into a dark hall, But I can hear faint whispers, until

"Surprise!!" everyone shouts as the lights flicker on. I see a big grin along Lauren, Elise and Luca faces. I can't believe they pulled this off without telling Char, or any of the guys.


Charlotte's POV:

"So Atkinson, how did you pull this together?" I smirk

"Well you gotta give some credit to Luke, he did most of the work, I just choose the songs" she says as Con hugs her from behind,

"Do you mind if I dance with her?" He asks

"Go head" I reply. They leave and I stand alone. I can see James and Elise having a fun time laughing with Ash and Calum, while Luca and Connor dance their way along the floor.

"Have you seen Tris?" Lauren asks

I shake my head, she walks away and I'm alone again, until my eyes are covered.

"Uh.. is it Harry Styles...Lucas Hemmings?" I ask.

"Seriously" he replies, taking his hands off my eye.

I nod "thanks for planning this, and I'm sorry for ignoring you an-"

"Don't worry char, tonight is about you" Luke smiles

I feel someone's warm hands hug me from behind.

"But I'd like to skip the small talk and romance girl, that's all I have to say so can we dance?" Brad says singing along to the song

"Oh Bradley, you really know how to get girls" I say turning around, as he pulls me in closer.

"Uh, I'm gonna go find Emma" Luke says before awkwardly walking away.

"Isn't that how I got you" he states

"Come on lets go dance" I say changing the subject.

We slow dance to falling slowly, until it's time for the boys to perform.

"Hi everyone, this song this dedicated to the girl I love and I hope she achieves her goals and will always remember her friends, family and me. I love you Charlotte, and I hope you enjoy it" Brad says.

The guys start playing Let her go by Passenger. Brad looks at me the whole time as he's singing. We all cheer once they finish their song, the boys walk off stage and go to their girlfriends.

"You were amazing!" I say, as Luke and his band set up

"Thanks, listen I've got something to tell you" Brad replies, I nod.

"We are going on our first headline tour!" He smiles

"That is incredible you guys deserve it!" I screech

Brad picks me up and spins me around, then kisses me on the forehead, before we walk on the dance floor to watch Luke's performance.

They sing whenever you are, which is a new song of theirs. Brad and I slow dance to it, but I can't help but feel Luke's stare on me, but I try to ignore it.

"I'm going to miss you" Brad says.

"I'll miss you too, and come and see me whenever, you're always welcome" I reply, staring into the same brown eyes I fell in love with from the beginning.

Once the song finishes Brad kisses me on the forehead, before I go over to Luke.

"Great song" I say hugging him.

"Thanks. Uh have you seen Emma?" he replies

I shake my head, then scan my eyes around the room. I felt a tap on my shoulder, it's probably Brad.

"Have you seen Tris?" Lauren asks

"No I haven't, but Emma has disappeared too" I say, Lauren walks away in a panic as Luke walks in the opposite direction.

I follow Lauren to make sure she's okay, when I see her crying her eyes out and running towards the bathroom. I look around the corner and see Emma making out with Tristan, how could they.

I turn around to find Lauren, when Luke steps in and pulls Tristan by the collar away from Emma and punches him right in the nose and onto the floor.

I run over to Luke and pull him away from Tris. "Don't Luke they're not worth it" I reply giving Emma the evil eyes. Brad steps in and takes Luke outside, while Con and James take Tris back to their dorm.

I go to the bathroom to check on Lauren. I hear faint sniffs and crying coming from the cubical.

"Lauren, are you okay?" I ask, but she doesn't answer. "Lauren please talk to me, or come out" I plead. I hear her flush the toilet, then unhook the lock. Her eyes are bloodshot with mascara running down her cheeks. I give her a big hug.

"Everything is going to be fine" I say reassuringly, but that only makes her cry even more.


Hey guys,

I've only got a few more chapters until the end!!

I'm so excited, but sad...

But please go and read my other book I'm writing called 'Everything Ends'

I love you all,


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