1. Swallowing The Hard Truth

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This might sound clichè but life as we know it is full of disappointments. Now, people might say that there will always be a rainbow after a storm--or was it sunshine after a storm, I have no idea--but the thing is, there's no such thing as unlimited happiness. The sooner you realise this, the easier it will be for you to live.

Somehow, weirdly, it calms me down to know that whatever it is that I do, the result might not turn out the way I wanted it to be--and that's okay. I get it, because that is how life works. You don't always get what you want and things don't always go your way, and that is okay. That is why the sooner you realise this fact--this cold, hard facts--the easier it will be for you to face these disappointments.

"But that's so unfair!" You cried. Yeah, kid, it is unfair. Why? You might ask. 

Here's why—the people. 

Yes, us. We are the problem. 

Humans live and create rules, and when there are rules, there are expectations. These expectations are what creates disappointment. It's called living, you can't change how the world works. This isn't some end-of-the-world blockbuster movie where the girl changes the ideology of the whole universe by helping the people live together in harmony and yada yada--this is not like that. The world is, and will stay as it is, cruel. Everyone won't be coming together to live in peace because we have our own needs. People are selfish, and this is the truth. You cannot change what's meant to be, so you just have to suck it up and just live.

This is the hard pill that you need to swallow. So drink up, bitches. 

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