Live, Love And Answers.

Start from the beginning

And in my case, I have this ridiculous idea that I cannot speak about myself because that is bragging. And that is absurd, I know, but when someone has told you that you are not to speak unless spoken to, and not in any circumstances speak of yourself because nobody really cares, ideas start to form.

Professor Kirke was never like that. Not even Mrs. Macready.
But some things from my past just stuck with me.
Wether I want it or not.

That is why I find it so unnaturally strange that I don't get that feeling when I'm talking to Aslan. He makes me feel wanted, and he is the only other person (besides the professor) who makes me feel as if whatever I have to say, actually matters. Aslan seems to care about what I have to say.

And he never interrupts me... which is more than I can say for others.

And just like the others I had found my way around the camp. I would wake up not long after Alsan and go to find the siblings so I could join them for breakfast. Which was surprisingly pleasant.

The food
Not the company.

Just kidding. I love the siblings. But the food is wonderful, and coming from me that is a high praise. Because I can be very picky about good food. A reason why I only eat food me or Mathilda have made. But the food in Narnia seems to taste good no matter how well prepared it is.
And I love it.

After breakfast I always go to find Nia. We have become quite close after this short time, and she always invites me to come along when she is meeting with the other females. They always meet up around midday to talk and work on repairing tent fabrics and make new ones together. And after I told them I often made clothes and my own fabrics back 'where I come from', they often more than once ask me my opinion. It's nice, for once I feel like I can fit in with others my age.

They accepted me quickly. And even though they refer to me as their queen, they do treat me civil. And even if it took some time, they now call me queen or lady Anna and not
"your highness."

It was the best I could do.

Narnians are stubborn I tell you.

After my gathering with the other 'ladies', I like to watch the siblings practice their chosen weapons. A bit jealous that I can't participate. I am in no way happy about children plying around with sharp objects. But I trust them. And honestly,

I miss my hands. I miss being able to sew or cook. And to write. After the professor took it upon himself to learn me how to read, he wanted me to write to him if I ever where to leave the mansion. But now I'm not even able to do that.

I feel as if I'm failing him. He is the only parental figure I have. And now I can't even thank him or tell him I'm fine.



no no, I'm fine. Not stressed at all. Just in a bit of a situation.



It's challenging. The changes. I love Narnia. I love the food. And I 'like like' the king.

But the changes are so much to get used to, and that makes it harder for me than for the siblings. I don't want to assume that, but lately, they have asked me how I am, more than I have had to look after them.

It's like they are taking care of me. Not the other way around.

And with my "safe place" inactive, I have no way to calm down. I could read. But for some apparent reason, Alsans books are not in English. So no. I have nothing.

My dear king, save me. (Aslan fanfic) (EDITING!) Where stories live. Discover now