Who are you?(Remus) part 2

Start from the beginning


   "Stooooopp!" "Seriously! Cut it out Rem- Duke!" Y/n quickly fixed their mistake. But Virgil caught on to what they said, looking at them. They gave a small look of worry before turning back to the conversation.


  Ok, he is really getting on my nerves. I hate that he is still flirting with me. I've made the message crystal clear that- never mind. I can't focus on my past right now. I need to focus on Thomas.

  What Logan's saying does make sence, though. It's just hard when two different type of ideas come and it's manly up to me to be able to push those ideas out. Speaking of which...


"Stooooopppp!" Thomas said. "Seriously! Cut it out Re- Duke!"

Oh no. Did I really say that out loud?! I had to quickly fix my mistake. I can't let them know. Yes, I love all of them like family, some less than others, but some things are meant to be kept secret. I noticed that Virgil was looking at me. I gave a look to cover it up, but I think it came out as worried.

  After that, Logan did a simular experiment with Patton. And, um........

"Patton, you can talk about anything you want for the next minute." Said Logan. "Um, alright. But, hold on to your ears 'cause I'm about to talk 'em off." Said Patton.

And then....

"Hold on to my ears! Done and done!" Duke took off ears. Literally.

  "You put those BACK ON mister!" Patton said. "Patton," Logan said, "I need you to focus." Patton drew his attention back to him. "Ok. So, I just start talking whenever?" "I will cue you. But before you start, don't think about- uh.." Logan struggled for a minute. "A GOLDFISH IN A CONDOM!"...I'm pretty sure we all know where that one came from.

"Once upon a time there was a gollllllden girl..." Patton started. I sighed along with Virgil. "Oh my-" "Good save."

  "Who lived in a, con-dominium." Patton sighed. "Ok, Logan, has it been a minute yet?" He shook his head. "Not even close, but you just did what I need you to do." Patton seemed proud of himself. "Patton, did a real good job." He silently sang to himself.(Patton is so adorable, I can't-).

  Logan then went on to explain how other people had the same problem that Patton did.

  Thomas half heartly chuckled. "Okay, so I can't stop him. Awesome news!"

  "It is!" Duke clapped. "Isn't that right, y/n/n!" He looked at me again. Logan and Virgil looked between me and him for a secound. I knew they could tell something was off.

"But-" Logan was cut off.....again. "But either way, you are NOT creativity!" Thomas announced. "Thomas-" I sighed. "Yeah, that is the brave, handsome, unbeatable, Roman!" Patton said, pointing to Roman on the ground. I couldn't fully understand what he was mumbling, but it was something about mashed potatoes.

  Thomas continued. "Creativity is about butterflies and- magic. And that's not you, you'er-" "Stinky?!" Duke was now covered in garbage. "...scary." Thomas finished. Duke poofed back to his normal self. "Me? Scary?" He seemed affended. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That sounds like a you problem."He pointed at Thomas. "Or a them problem." He then pointed at me and Virgil. I glared at him we made a promise to keep....that secret.


(It is here that the author realizes that the video is 40 minutes long, and chapters only take up about 6-12 minutes. So, she must decide on to make 3 more parts, or make massive time skips....)

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