Grand Magic Games - Day One

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Eventually, Rufus came on the screen. He was on the very top of a church. He used a spell to determine which wizard was real or not. He then used my favourite spell and one of his most powerful, 'Night of Shooting Stars' to send out beams of light to attack all the competitors at once. Right after that, the timer went off, leaving Sabertooth as the winners, again.

I was the only Fairy Tail wizard not surprised. "You knew that was going to happen?" Makarov asked me.

Looking down at Rufus with a frustrated expression, I replied, "I had a feeling, he is a memory-make wizard". Everyone's eyes widened, but I left it at that. I felt sorry for Gray, though.

After that, the battles began. The first battle was between Lucy and Flare. Something about that battle gave me a bad feeling. Lucy started the battle off by summoning Taurus. Right after that, she summoned Scorpio. My eyes widened. 'She summoned two spirits at once?' I thought, still recovering from the shock. 'That must take an immense amount of magic energy. That Second Origin thing must be doing wonders for them'.

Scorpio attacked, but Flare's hair turned to fire and she burned the attack. Taurus used Scorpio's sandstorm to attack Flare which sent Flare flying. That just pissed Flare off, because she turned her hair into the image of a wolf and attacked Lucy with it. At the last minute, Lucy summoned Cancer, who cut Flare's hair, which only angered her even more. Flare then sent her hair underground and grabbed Lucy legs with it and sent her flying and hitting the ground a bunch of times. To retaliate, Lucy activated her whip and grabbed Flare's arm, but since Flare still had her hair around Lucy's leg, she sent it on fire, burning her shoes and possibly her legs as well, before letting go and sending her flying. Lucy took off her shoes, but that meant it would be easier for Flare to burn her skin. After an unnerving moment, Flare attacked again, this time going for her face. Flare grabbed Lucy and kept attacking her. it seemed like Lucy wasn't even trying to fight back, which was peculiar. After a while, Natsu was suddenly next to me and it looked like he was burning something. Lucy suddenly broke free. She summoned Gemini, who showed up in a towel. I thought it was hilarious. They started doing the spell of the stars, which I had only heard from, from Anna. When the spell was over, the dust cleared enough for me to see Lucy collapsing and Flare still standing. Mato declared Raven Tail the winner. Everyone could tell they cheated. I looked at the Raven Tail stands in time to see Obra's puppet put his finger to his mouth, and immediately, I knew what had happened.

I could feel the anger building up inside of me. I think my guildmates could sense it too. Without giving them a chance to say anything, I said, still staring at the arena, "I need some air, excuse me," and teleported away. I teleported to a forest not too far from Domus Flau. I collapsed onto my knees and put my hands over my eyes. That's when I felt it, the burning sensation known as my curse. When that feeling was gone, I lifted my hands from my face, my eyes still red from the tears I had just been weeping, and saw that my entire surroundings were dead. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. "Go away, Zeref. You're the last person I wish to speak with right now," I said coldly, without even turning around.

The footsteps stopped. All he could manage to say was, "(Y/N), I...". I could feel the guilt inside him, but I didn't care.

Furious, I got up and walked over to him. "He is YOUR creature! YOU did this! This is YOUR fault!" I turned around again. "Just go away. Hopefully, I'll be a little calmer tonight". Just like that, his presence was gone. I used my magic to wipe away any shred of crying from my face, then teleported back to the arena where my friends from Fairy Tail were. I was glad they knew better than to ask.

I got back to the arena in time to find out that Ren and Araña were fighting next. Because it had nothing to do with Fairy Tail, I thought I'd better keep my friends at Sabertooth company. I teleported right next to Rogue and scared the hell out of them in the process. "Are you allowed to be here?" Sting asked, confused. I half-turned to face him and put my finger on my lips, giving him my answer.

After that amusing situation, we focused our attention back to the battle. Everyone was teasing Ren about his relationship with Sherry, but somehow, he still won.

Next was Warcry vs. Olga. Before the battle even began, Rogue walked out. Sting and I looked at each other. "I'll go after him," I said, before running out to chase after Rogue. After I had caught up with him, I ran in front of him to stop him. "Rogue, is everything ok?"

With the same indifferent attitude that sometimes annoyed the crap out of me, he replied, "The only fight I'm interested in is mine and Gajeel's".

I gave him a soft smile and shook my head. "That's no reason to walk out on your teammates. There's something else, talk to me". I put my hands on either side of his face. He managed to break free and looked away. "If you don't want to tell me, I'm not going to force you, I'm sure you'll tell me when you're ready. In the meantime, do you want me to stay with you until it's Fairy Tail's turn?" After that, we stayed in the hallway and just talked.

After a while, we heard on the loudspeaker that Mystogan and Jura were fighting. Rogue turned to me. "Isn't that...?"

"My ex-fiancé?" I nodded. "But we're just friends now". I waved goodbye to him and teleported over to Fairy Tail to support Jellal.

He was doing a pretty good job of copying Mystogan's magic, even though he was losing. Apparently, he thought it was a good idea to show off for Erza because he started doing his own magic. He started with medium, drawing magic circles in the air while dodging Jura's attacks. He then did his Grand Chariot spell, shooting bright lights unto Jura. He was about to finish him off with a spell that would surely blow his cover. I was getting worried. Luckily, Ultear decided to step in using Meredy's sensory link. First, Jellal started randomly waving his hands in front of his face, then exploded in fits of laughter before finally collapsing. I had never been more embarrassed in my entire life, although it was the highlight of my day.

With that embarrassing moment, that signalled the end of day 1, with Fairy Tail both teams in dead last. The guild drank the night away at the pub. It was fairly easy to slip away. I put my hood up and slipped into the quiet streets of Crocus. I met up with Zeref as planned and apologised for the way I had acted earlier that day. I knew it wasn't his fault, I was just so angry at what Obra had done to Lucy. Besides, if there was anyone to blame, it was Raven Tail. After that, I bid him farewell and left. I spent the rest of the night at Crocus Gardens until it was time for me to go to sleep.

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