No Restrictions~

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I had just sat down and handed Jennie the paper with Jimins number on it

No one:

Literally no one:


Y/N: your welcome ( I eye balled everyone who decided to turn around and eavesdrop on our business not like I can blame them but still )

As she was finally calming down from her sudden outburst the rest of the cafeteria was turning their attention back on whatever it was that had their attention at first before she spassed

Y/n: That was embarrassing

Hyuna: Right.

Jennie: I don't care. The hottest guy in school just gave me his number

Y/n: you and so many others c'mon don't think you were the only one in this school who asked for it I guarantee you the whole cheer team probably even asked for it and knowing those tramps maybe more than just his number was asked for 😒

As we were beginning to prepare to leave I couldn't help but notice how Jimin kept eyeing me from across the round tables

Hyuna: What's His problem 😑😏 hmm.. Y/n

Y/n: I don't see why your asking me I can't tell you what I don't know maybe he has a staring problem. You know those type of people stare at everybody and won't even realize it

Hyuna: Right.. Right and I never did ask you about what it was you guys were talking about AFTER he handed you his number😗

Y/n: It was nothing he just told me to tell Jennie that she could text him whenever and that he'd answer
  ( I lied )

Hyuna: not interesting but OK 😒

Y/n: ye 😬

I was almost at the end of the hall when I heard commotion coming from the opposite end from where I left I was about to keep going until I heard Hyuna screaming my name in the distance

Hyuna: Y/N! Y/N! IT'S JENNIE!

Yn: what now 😑

Me and Hyuna ran to the opposite end of the hall way towards all the screaming and there she was, fighting with some other girl over what looked like Jimins number so I walked up to them both in the midst of them fighting and snatched the paper out of Jennie's hand and ripped it.

Y/n: it's not even that serious‼️😠

Girl: what the fuck is wrong with you

You: what's wrong with me? I should be asking the both of you the same thing it's funny how it's only been his first day and you both are already fighting over some stupid number trust me you aren't the only one's who have it, it's so many other girls who've stood and maybe are still standing in line for it so forget it

You walked away heated

for fucks sake he's only been here for a day and already has these idiots arguing over him like he's limited edition or something 🙄

As you were in deep thought you couldn't help but think about what happened between you and Jimin in the cafeteria that little scene where he bit his lower lip while low key flirting with you, you'd be lying if you said you didn't find it hot but you'd also be setting yourself up for humiliation if you give in to his flirting tactics

You: what have i gotten into...
(You said to yourself)

Ok mom I'll talk to you later, love you bye
Author Nim
You had just got off of the phone with your mom after she told you she won't be home for a few weeks due to her job which required her to move around a lot so she hardly ever was at home which gave you plenty of time to do what ever you wanted when, you wanted and that involved HELLA PARTYING 😏 Speaking of, you were already getting ready for one your friend Hyuna was throwing at her place. The entire school was coming so you were probably going to be out the entire night; so you did your make up and threw on your new outfit that you bought when you went shopping with your friends  yesterday... these were the final results

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