If You Can't Take it, Don't Give it

Start from the beginning


The Weasley's

Ginny had been going downhill for quite some time now. She was still her bitchy annoying self but that was put aside with the current way she felt. It had all happened when Krum had been taken out by the Auror Squad. As she'd watched him be taken down, her head started to spin and she'd grown both nauseous and clammy handed. She'd been standing off to the side as it was, confused by the lack of potion reaction with Draco that she hadn't really been paying attention to what had happened. Now she seemed to be in a constant state of sickness, her magic was acting strangely, almost as if it were pulling her towards some unseen object. You'd think that Ginny would have read all the side effects of the potion before she made and administrated it. She'd been so caught up with her plan that she hadn't taken the proper precautions. She didn't know that when the potion interacted with someone who's magic was harmoniously joined with hers that they would become bonded. Bonded as in being married without having to go through a wedding or bonding ritual.

She also should have been more careful when she'd sneaked the potion into the glass at the ball. Sure she'd looked around to make sure no one had seen her but in doing so she'd taken her eyes off the glasses and therefore hadn't noticed when someone spelled the glasses to switch positions. She hadn't counted on the person of her affections being so suspicious of her actions. Draco didn't need to look directly at Ginny to realise what she was up to. Funnily enough he wasn't new to girls trying to outsmart him with potions and spells and could spot a suspiciously acting girl a mile off. All Pureblood heirs were taught to protect themselves from money grabbing whores like Ginny.

Thus the potion Ginny intended for Draco to drink was actually drunk by Victor Krum. You can just guess what happened then can't you. If you are thinking oh shit their magic bonded, you'd be right. Ginny was feeling so sick and weak because she was away from her bonded. They needed to consummate the bonding soon or one or both of them would go mad...or worse die. She needed to find her bonded lover quickly before the consequences took over. It was funny how the people who wanted what they never deserved always forgot to read the fine print. When life hands you lemons they obviously forgot they were supposed to make lemonade and tried to make orange juice instead.

Victor Krum was sitting in an overnight cell at the Ministry of Magic. Remember when he said 'all publicity was good publicity?' Well he was seriously reconsidering those words right now. He was facing several charges and fines and was given a restraining order that didn't allow him to come within twenty yards of Hermione Zabini. He couldn't understand why they kept talking about Hermione Zabini. He didn't really remember his actions from that night or who she was. He just needed to see Ginny Weasley, he'd been asking for her for a long time but no one would tell him where she was or when she was coming to see him. He was getting rather anxious, something within him was saying that unless he found her soon bad things would start happening.

As it was he was facing a suspension from the Quiddich League and wasn't allowed back in England for a further six months. Perhaps luck was on their side as one plucky young Auror thought it best to inform Arthur Weasley that the confined Quiddich star was asking for his daughter. That in itself puzzled Arthur Weasley for he wasn't aware that his daughter and the famous Quiddich star knew each other beyond acquaintances. If there was one thing that Arthur Weasley regretted in life it was the way in which he let his wife spoil his two youngest children. Ginny especially was tainted by her upbringing for she was the only girl in the family. Her opinion had been favoured by others and her manipulation techniques had been ignored for too long. It was with a heavy sigh that Arthur Weasley traipsed down to Krum's holding cell, knowing that what he found there was sure to be unpleasant.

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