"Let me guess, through it all Hermione was calm and collected. I'm guessing her eyes betrayed what she was feeling but that other than that she looked like a blade of grass standing still in a breeze."

"Yes, exactly. Tell me, should I be worried?"

"Not in this instance. I would be more worried if Blaise had arrived on the scene just seconds later. A calm Hermione is the start of the storm. If she had really lost it, I have no doubt that she would have cursed those involved."

Bill nodded in agreement to what Fleur had said.

"I spoke to Minerva after we found out about Hermione. She seems to think that glamour charms weren't the only ones to be put on her. Usually as you know, your magic bonds with your soul up until the age of one or two. It seems that this bonding was stopped midway around the time Hermione was taken. Her bonding process was never complete so when she says her magic is talking to her, she means it. Minerva also mentioned that her power was so much stronger because the barriers containing it had been broken when she transformed. Now she just has to learn to control her new magical ability."

"Is there anything we can do? Asked Fleur.

"Yes actually," began Katherine. "Minerva recommended that Hermione needed time with her family. She's always with Blaise at Hogwarts and I can see her whenever I want as Minerva has granted me with special access to Hogwarts, but I was wondering if you would allow Hermione to stay with you this weekend. I know it's a lot to ask but she misses you so much and I would hate to think what would happen should she ever lose you."

"Of course we'll have her this weekend. Hermione will always be a part of our small family. Even my Veela blood tells me to protect her," said Fleur.



It was Friday afternoon when Hermione found herself standing in McGonagall's office waiting to use the floo. She'd been called in quite randomly and had been worried that she was in trouble. She'd been quite relieved when McGonagall had explained it all.

Getting to spend two whole days with Bill and Fleur had really made up for the nightmare of a week she'd been having. She'd been worried when she hadn't heard back from them and had assumed that they didn't want anything to do with her anymore. It was silly for her to think that but Hermione was still very self-conscious and was still suffering from being blacklisted by Harry, Ron and Ginny.

No matter, in her eighteen years of life she was finally learning to accept things and not let unimportant matter get to her so easily. It was hard to stop the hurt she felt but she was trying. McGonagall ushered her through the floo as she was unwilling to allow it to remain open for long and Hermione had immediately found herself in the warmth of Shell Cottage. She hadn't been able to say goodbye to anyone before she left so she hoped someone had told them or there would be a riot of angry Slytherin's knocking on the Headmistresses door.

When Hermione had talked with McGonagall she'd also been told that McGonagall had deemed it prudent for Hermione, Neville and Lavender to have spate Herbology classes due to the situations that had been occurring. McGonagall had stated that having separate classes available for the returning eight years had always been an option as tensions from the war weren't expected to be sorted in one summer. McGonagall had never expected those provisions would come into play because of the actions of her own Gryffindor's. She'd never heard of a house turning on itself before.

A new Herbology teacher had been found to cover this small class of students and those Professor Sprout was sad to see her star pupil Neville leave, she understood that the tutoring those three would get would be more beneficial for them.

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