Give Me the Strength to Carry On

Start from the beginning

"Poor Blaise! Imagine having that as a sister. I think I'd kill myself wouldn't you?"

"Hey Granger, what do your muggle parents think of your new look? Oh wait, they're dead. Probably took one look at you and kicked the bucket!"

Hermione felt her anger reach a whole new level, how did Pavarti know her muggle parents were dead?

"She's so pathetic look at her, she can hardly control her emotions."

Those people who actually had a few working brain cells knew what was coming if Hermione were to lose control of herself.

"Awh did Krum overwork you."

"Krum wouldn't go near a whore like that," said Ron.

Lavender had returned to the classroom and slipped in silently with Blaise in tow.

"You guys make me sick," said Neville. "I can't believe I spent so long thinking you were my friends!"

"Sticking up for the whore Neville. What, are you hoping she'll pick you next?"

"I wouldn't bet on it mate. She's dead on the inside. She's not even worthy of the beggars off the street," said Ron.

As usual the only one not to open his mouth was Harry and Hermione was so disappointed by how far her friend had fallen. The man who fought to keep everything seemed to have disappeared and in his place was this submissive quiet mouse. You'd think he'd be the first to open his mouth and shout obscenities but perhaps the Weasley's really did have him under their thumbs. At least with them he had some sense of family. Family is all he's ever wanted anyway.

Hermione's fists were curled in an attempt to quell her anger but it wasn't working well. These people, these ridiculous narrow-minded people were the reason there was so much bad in the world. It's like when something new is found and people automatically shy away from it because it's new and unknown. When people are scared or insecure they resort to violence and belittling in an attempt to protect themselves from harm. The fact that their actions hurt others is of no consequence to them.

"Awh look, she can't even control her anger. Look how much she's shaking."

Both Ginny and Pavarti seemed to have teamed up in this tirade against Hermione but no one knew what their own intentions were.

"It's pathetic. At least Hermione Granger knew her place. This bitch doesn't realise that getting a new face means nothing. You can't change who you are Granger."

"No man wants a girl whose head is always stuck in a book! There are some things in life you can't learn from a page not that you'd know that."

Hermione was a strong witch but she'd never been good with tears and they always seemed to fall before she could stop them. She tried to keep them in though because she didn't need them to know how much hurt she was feeling.

"I heard your Mother bought all your new clothes. What? Couldn't she bear to look at you in your disgusting muggle rags?"

"No one would want to look at that! I'm glad I got out when I did. She probably would have tricked me into something and I'd be stuck with her for life. Could you imagine how terrible my life would be if I married Granger?"

Blaise found it hard to watch on as his sister was falling apart but a silent touch from Lavender prevented him from moving. Neville was doing his best to dissolve the situation and if he failed Blaise hoped the teacher would step in.

"Would you stop insulting Hermione! You two are nothing but bullies and I'm surprised I didn't realise how horrible you two are before. You're acting like jealous children. Pavarti you're jealous because you're used to being the most popular girl in school and Ginny you're jealous because Hermione has everything you want to have. Can you both just grow up."

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