Why Do Ex Partners Always Try and Push Back into Your Life?

Start from the beginning

Ronald had been a pompous arse to Hermione. When Victor Krum had first appeared on the scene, Ronald had behaved like a besotted fan. So jealous of Hermione's infatuation with him and the fact that Krum had ignored Ron had hurt the Weasel's pride. Ronald's behaviour towards Hermione that year had just pushed her further into the arms of Krum.

As the students began walking towards Hogsmead, Hermione was lost in thought as she still hadn't heard back from Bill and Fleur. Her insecurities were beginning to make her think they had rejected her new status. With all the stuff being said at Hogwarts, Hermione was beginning to find it difficult to know who to trust and who to avoid. She now understood why Slytherin's were so untrusting and into self-preservation. They had to be! Hermione was slowly learning the ways of a Slytherin. It was more complicated than she'd imagined but she was learning. She was also being educated about Pureblood society which just added to her struggles. She really was struggling here and felt lost in a sea of things she didn't understand.

Hermione hadn't spoken to Draco since their mini argument. Pansy tried to soothe her fears but Hermione was still feeling unsure about everything. Draco was – and always had been – a conundrum. On one side he seemed to have accepted Hermione's new heritage but on the other side he hadn't.

Hogsmead looked much better than it did before the war. The result of the war had left it rather damaged and it had since been rebuilt by volunteers. It now looked better than it had before. The group had a leisurely walk around the town and much merriment was had as they stocking up on things they'd run out of.

Hermione wanted to go to the pet store as Crockshanks had perished during the war but the others were reluctant due to feeling cold. Entering the Three Broomsticks with her friends, she vowed to return to the pet store at a later date. The group managed to get a nice big table and the girls happily tucked themselves into the middle of all the boys.

"Penny for your thoughts?" asked Blaise.


"What were you thinking about?" asked Blaise.

"Lots of things."

"Tell me what's worrying you Mya," he said.

Hermione sighed as it seemed that nothing got past her brother.


That word alone wasn't enough to show why she was feeling that way. Blaise waited patiently for his sister to elaborate further.

"Rejection from Bill and Fleur, not knowing whose being fake or not when they talk to me and knowing that Draco doesn't like me. Then Slytherin confuses me, I don't understand the pureblood society and I know you lot are hiding something from me."

"That's a lot of worry."

Daphne's jab in the ribs bought Hermione's attention back into main focus.

Great! Ronald Weasley is heading this way, well this day seemed to be taking a downhill nosedive!!

"I think I'll go to the pet store now," Hermione said and she left before anyone could stop her.

Hermione was in for a treat when she walked into the Pet Store. They had just had a new litter of half-kneazle kittens in. She bent down to look at the kittens when a black on with a white tail and white socks untangled itself from the others and padded over.


The kitten nudged her hand moving Hermione to pet the little fellow.

Hermione was sold on the kitten, she wanted it. It would be good to have a familiar again. She decided to name the kitten 'Socks' – and it seemed to approve of the name she had chosen – so she took it to the counter to buy. After sending her other purchases back to Hogwarts (she didn't want to walk around with awkward shaped kitten accessories) she stepped from the shop with Socks in her hands. She wasn't expecting to find the before stood before her and she felt her fear rise up without warning. Socks struggled in her arms and tried to protect her new Mistress but it was too late and as Socks was dropped to the ground, Hermione was whisked away. 

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