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Five Years Later

Six Years Before The End Of The World

Crowley was walking up to the Dowling's residence, ringing the bell.

The man opened the door, Crowley saying;

"I understand you need a nanny."


Similarly, a few hours later, Aziraphale is at the door, saying;

"They do say you might be looking for a gardener."


Rachel, now 11, with long brownish-reddish curls, the bulbs that now bloomed into red flowers on her head in a form of a headband (five in total), served as an older-next-door-neighbor that befriended Warlock, the Antichrist.

They both ran through the garden, to Aziraphale.

"Oh! Young master Warlock! And Miss. Hanna! You two are growing fast. You must be all of, um..."

"Five. I'm five." Warlock says, and Rachel inwardly giggles, knowing that her Papa already knew that, but delivered her line as well.

"I'm eleven." She grins, her blue eyes shining with tease.

"What's that?" Warlock asks, pointing at a pigeon.

"Oh, that's Brother Pigeon...and Brother Snail. Oh! And Sister Slug."

Aziraphale sits down on the steps, Rachel watching closely, rolling her eyes and biting back a laugh.

"Now, you remember young Warlock, as you grow, to have love and reverence for all living things."

"Nanny says living things are only fit to be ground under my heels, Brother Francis."

Rachel let out a quiet snort, giggling quietly.

"Of course she did. Wouldn't expect Mom to say anything else." She whispered, only for Aziraphale to hear.

Aziraphale chuckles.

"Well, don't you listen to her. You listen to me."


A lullaby tune plays as Crowley turns the music box, a medium-sized snake (all black with white spots) wrapped around her shoulders, flicking her tongue every so often.

Rachel was in her snake form, finding it easier to keep an eye on Warlock at night that way.

"Will you sing me a lullaby, nanny?"

"Of course, dear." Crowley says, Rachel letting a quiet hiss.

"Go to sleep,
And dream of pain.
Doom and darkness,
Blood and brains.
Sleep so sweet,
My darling boy.
You will rule,
When Earth's destroyed."

Rachel hisses, in a form of quiet giggles.

"The gardener says that I must be kind and nice to everybody. Even Sister Slug. And not ever destroy the Earth."

"Don't listen to him. Listen to me."


"I'm confused, Hanna. Nanny wants me to destroy the Earth while Brother Francis wants me to be kind to everyone...what should I do?" Warlock asks Rachel, who's spending the day with him while Aziraphale and Crowley report to Heaven and Hell.

"I have parents, much like the two. One of them is like your Nanny and the other is like Brother Francis. They both raise me and...I find it easier to listen to them BOTH. I decide who to be kind to and who I should look beneath me." Rachel says, truthfully. "I think you should do the same."

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