Katherine managed to give Octavia a weak smile, even though the girl looked at her like she was wasting her time. "It was horrible. He couldn't breathe properly and he was in shock. I gave him milk of the poppy, hoping to reduce his pain," Katherine said. She didn't want to be too graphic on the griefing girl, but at the same time, she wanted to make clear that Atom had been suffering. "He had been lying there all night and morning, just hurting."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Octavia asked, looking at Katherine in confusion.

Katherine answered her look with a mix of sternness and seriousness. She didn't appear to be sympathetic on purpose, for she knew how much she hated the way people would sometimes look at her in pity. "You shouldn't blame your brother for his death. It was only after a little while that he joined me and Atom, and he couldn't kill him either. He tried to help him, it was clear he wanted to, but he just didn't know how."

"So you're Bellamy's missionary now?" Octavia asked incredulously. "I thought you hated him, but I guess he changed your mind like he tries to do with every single girl he can lay his eyes on, while I just have to be miserable for his sake."

"Low-blow, Octavia," Katherine muttered under her breath. All she tried to do was to help, but it seemed as if she had only just dug a verbal grave for herself. Shaking her head, Katherine scrambled up from the seat, stretching her bad leg awkwardly. "I'm not going to defend either myself, you or your brother. I just wanted you to know what really happened out there and now that you know, you can make up your own mind."

Katherine looked at Octavia and finally, it seemed that her body started to react on what had happened today. Her hands were trembling and her eyes burned from the tears she forced back. She felt like that if she closed her eyes, just for one second, she would sleep for weeks. Looking at the ladder she decided that for today she had done enough, and she wouldn't force herself up those metal bars. She gave Octavia one last glance. "If Jasper needs any more painkillers, Clarke knows where to find me. Also, do send all of them up there my regards."

Octavia simply nodded and disappeared to the upper levels of the Dropship, leaving Katherine alone with her haunted mind and shaking limbs. She basically dragged herself out of the Dropship, moving slower than an injured turtle, and she hoped that Charlotte wouldn't be too far off.

"Nice," Katherine muttered, as she noticed most delinquents already had figured a way to make tents. She guessed the biggest one without any other tents in a couple of feet's radius was Bellamy's and she wondered which girl was warming his bed tonight, not that she really cared for it much. She also realised that if she would like a tent, she would have to make one herself.

"Yeah, people have been busy for the past couple of days," Nathan said from behind her all of a sudden. He looked at her with a happy smile, and she couldn't help but wonder if he knew Atom was dead. Perhaps he just wasn't bothered by it. "That was actually why I came searching for you."

"Oh," Katherine replied surprised. She gave herself a mental facepalm. She used to just hate it when people gave an answer without even a tiny bit of intelligence processed in it and now it appeared she had become such a person. "If I would have a tent you'd be welcome, but life sucks and I have to sleep outside."

"Yeah, but that is what it was about," Nathan said. He scratched the back of his head and as Katherine realised he was wearing his green beanie, she smiled. He nodded in the direction of some tent that had been made up of all kinds of different coloured fabrics. Katherine thought that if unicorns existed, their puke would like a mix of those colours. "The rest of my friends have already split themselves up, and seeing that Monty and Jasper will probably share a tent and they're guys, I was wondering if you would mind sharing a tent with me? I get it if you would find it uncomfortable and I would gladly help you build one tomorrow, though there isn't much material left and-"

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