8 - Bye

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We layed in bed for a while, talking and laughing. This time I ask him about his job, more precisely I ask about funny episodes that happened to him and the other members. And it seems that my question doesn't bother him as he starts laughing by himself, for then entertain me with several anecdotes.

It transpires how much he cares for his "brothers" by his joyful expression, and he is so hilarious as he imitates them that there are tears in my eyes.

I'm having the best morning.

But suddenly my phone rings, it's Diana.

I get up from the bed, turning my face away from him I press the green button. "Hello?"

"Hi dear", her voice is a bit raspy. "I pretty much just woke up. I'll get my stuff, a coffee and I'll be home. Tutto bene?"

"Yes, don't worry". I linger for a moment and then bite my lips as I'm going to lie to her, again. "Ehmm... You don't have to rush it for me. I decided to take a walk around since I didn't want to stay indoors in this sunny day. I hope it's ok."

"Oh yes, you did well! If that's the case, I'll take it slow and then maybe edit yesterday's video. So you enjoy your walk. A dopo!"

"Perfect. Thank you. A dopo!".

I feel the guilty weight of the lie descending on me the second I hang up, but I don't know how mucg I can tell her. Not much, nothing probably.

And sadly, it's time we also deal with the subject.

I clear my throat as I turn back to look at him. With my surprise he's lifting an eyebrow, amused he says, "I see. So, you're taking a walk by yourself right now..."

"It's your fault if I have to lie, I remind you", I answer vaguely annoyed.

His brown eyes look apologetic for a brief moment but quickly change as he stands up from the bed in one agile move. "Since you don't like to lie let's get out from the apartment for real". He declares with his hands on his waist.

"For real? But it's daytime, someone will surely recognize you".

"I can wear a mask. Or we can go somewhere outside the city, so there will be less chances of that", he simply answers shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe I should just head to Diana's", I say completely against my wishes.

"Well, if that's what you want, I understand. But we could use some fresh air and I can show you another place. Plus we could get something to eat too, I'm starving actually". He offers with a calm disposition but his eyes are hopeful.

Of course it's not what I want. I'd love to stay with him a little longer. I mean, if he's confident about keeping his identity hidden, what is the harm?

"Okay, let's go. I hope you have something delicious in mind because I'm quite hungry", I say feeling my empty stomach.

"Ahah, yes, yes".


While he drives us to the outskirts of Seoul I look outside the window and I become lost in thoughts. I can't believe what's happening, in less than 24 hours even. I can't say I wasn't hoping to meet someone famous I like but this is almost unbelievable, and yet... Life sometimes is truly unpredictable. Though I'm happy about the events that unfolded with Kim Taehyung, I also know things will be more difficult later, for me at least.

I understand we will never see each other again, but it's hard not to daydream about other possibilities.

I come out of my head when he asks me about my life at home. Where I live, if I'm close to my family, if I like my job. He listens with genuine interest to all my answers and giggles when I talk non-stop about my cat, my little love, as I like to call her.

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