[💋] Just Like the Old Days.

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🌸time started: 2:17 am
🌸time finished: 3:13 am (break)

when you would first look at the bond between ethan and grayson dolan, your first thought would most likely be 'bromance'. they were twins after all, it makes sense that they're nearly inseparable. they were born together, they live together, everything they did, it was always together. sure, they'd be annoyed with each other, they'd get mad at one another, but during the nights where they lay on the roof in the middle of the night, in each other's arms seemingly just something they do, no meaning behind it, looking up at the stars, or maybe, the times their girlfriend broke up with them and knowing they had a shoulder to cry on, hell, even sleeping in the same bed because they were scared, that's what made it all worth it. every fight and every argument, it didn't matter, because they were there. they knew they had someone. they are each other's someone.

but it seemed as though in a flip of a switch, all the 'are's' turned into 'were's'. they were all they needed, they were their shoulder to cry on.

when they moved from new jersey to los angeles together, it was a huge step. of course, they were scared. after all, they were leaving their sister, mother, and father behind. but at least they had each other. of course grayson noticed the growing distance, between the two. ethan simply didn't have time to pay attention to grayson. but he ignored it, he convinced himself ethan would come around.

grayson was always trying to convince himself that's all he needed. all he needed was his ethan, and he'd be alright. and for awhile, ethan provided. he was there, what more did grayson need, right?

he didn't realize just how bad he needed ethan, until he wasn't there anymore. grayson slowly spent more nights alone, he cried more tears alone, he went star-sighting alone, and after a while, he began falling apart.

where did my ethan go?

but... it was that one night. that one fucking night that just... set everything back into place.

it was storming, and a roar of thunder was a bit too loud for grayson's taste. he was scared. whatever, i don't care that i'm 19 and i'm still scared of storms. i have ethan, he thought as he threw of the covers over his body in a huff, and started to go to ethan's room. it wasn't that late, maybe 11:30? ethan was still awake, he had to be. the kid doesn't go to bed until 3 am!

he's so close...
i can already feel him...
just a few more ste-

what's that sound? it's laughter... but it sounds like two ethan's are laughing. obviously grayson isn't in there so what the fuck?

he slightly creeps the door open to find the source. and there he is. he's sitting up, at his desk, watching a video on the screen. the dark room contrasting to the bright colors on the screen make his face glow. it was really a sight to behold, to be honest. but what was on the screen?

oh, that's right. it was a 'grethan compilation' he recognized a little too well. i mean, of course he's gonna watch that shit. he misses those days, where ethan would come into the room and do shit to annoy grayson's sleeping body. and the videos themselves? it was all he had to remind him that that ethan is still here somewhere.

oh! this video is his favorite! grayson's sleeping, and ethan comes in. grayson watches as ethan smiles to the video on his screen, like he was reminiscing to the good times.

we can still have those good times ethan.

he has to cover his mouth to hide the laugh wanting to escape at the sight of the video.

'i'ma start screaming."
"you're gonna what?"

more videos play, and with each one, the memories come into his head. he misses those days so much. where they were in the palm of each other's hand. he felt his eyes burning and a lump in his throat grow, but he quickly shook it off. he can't cry right now. what he needs to focus on is following through with his "genius" idea, and try to put the two back together, piece by piece. he was willing to do whatever he had to do to go back to how they were. this was nearly... step 1.

he pads over to ethan and pulls up the stool to his drum set. he places it down and sits right next to ethan, but keeping his eyes on the computer screen the whole time. he feels ethan tense when he moves. he feels his eyes on him, burning into his skull, watching, wondering. a new video plays, and grayson smiles.

"this one's my favorite." he says quietly, moving his hands to go back to that one video, ignoring the urge to look back at ethan's burning eyes that he's certain are burning holes into his face. when he gets to the mentioned video, he sits back and points to the screen to show him. when he turns to look at ethan to see if he's looking at the video, their eyes meet. and just like that, ethan softens. it's as if they haven't shared a moment like this is months, the two of them, together, alone. ethan's pupils dilate as he tears his eyes from grayson and looks at the screen.

"mine, too." he says softly.

"we can still have that ethan." grayson says, it almost comes out like a plead. when he waits for a few moments and gets no answer, he shakes his head in disgust as the tears form and spill out. ethan tenses when grayson gets up and leaves him sitting there.

just before grayson can leave, there's a strong hand wrapping around his arm and pulling him back. "stay. just like the old days." ethan says, his grip on grayson's arm softening. grayson looks at him for moment, deciding, but soon relaxes and steps closer to ethan.


i feel for grayson. distancing from someone sucks, especially when you know there is nothing you can do about it.

vote and comment please!

i will see you in one week!

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