If Li Zhen had to hazard a guess, she would put money on the fact that Shancai hadn't told Daoming Si about their ladies night. Why would she when she could have her cake and eat it too? It would be only too easy to allow Daoming Si to dote on her at school and also date the foreigner (she dimly recalled his name was Thomas) behind his back! Doaming Si was too blind to see what was happening, too blinkered by Dong Shancai and her seductively wide doe eyes. However, Li Zhen had been awakened; she was wise to Shancai and her wily ways now, she would no longer allow the wool to be pulled over her eyes! Could she sit idly by whilst her friend so casually made a fool of the Doaming heir? She would bet her life that Shancai hadn't told him that she had willingly cuddled the long haired pianist and spent the night dancing with him. She also suspected she hadn't told him the other man had carried her back, blackout drunk, to a hotel and helped her into bed. Sure, Thomas was trustworthy and hadn't taken advantage, but there was no way Shancai could have known that! Why had Shancai agreed to go back to a hotel with him? At that moment, Li Zhen didn't possess the capacity to feel guilty about leaving her friend to fend for herself with a stranger. Shancai was a big girl, she shouldn't allow herself to get so drunk. Maybe if she acted with more decorum and treated those around her with respect, then Li Zhen would reciprocate that respect. So far, all Shancai had proved was that her friends were disposable.

Li Zhen watched curiously as the Daoming heir's eyes flared, his voice rising in challenge as he started down the foreign interloper. He was too heartbreakingly beautiful, a caged lion defending his pride; how she wished she could understand the heated conversation! Doaming Si's eyes were predatory, a cobra about to strike as he pasted Shancai inescapably to his side. The man the small girl claimed to hate; if that was the case, why didn't she just tell him straight? Why did she keep Daoming Si on her hook, stringing him along, if she never planned to accept his affections? That girl... she didn't deserve a man like the Daoming heir! Dong Shancai was a just plain girl, from a humble background just like her! What was it about her that captured his fancy?

It was undeniable, the poor man was besotted with her so called friend. She felt bad for having such uncharitable thoughts about someone she considered a friend, but it was so difficult to remain level headed when Shancai acted the way she did; she acted so high and mighty with the lovestruck boy, she was constantly putting on airs around him and it frustrated her to watch. Li Zhen rationalised she might have been able to understand if the roles were reversed - if Shancai had been head over heels for Daoming Si, and he hadn't cared less, that would have been more feasible. But no...instead, the spiky haired young man looked at Shancai like she was the centre of his universe. Why? WHY? It was like a stab right to the heart - why couldn't it be her instead? Why Shancai and not Li Zhen? Didn't the tiny girl realise how blessed she was that the Daoming heir had even took a second look at her?! That right there was the crux of the problem; it seemed that Dong Shancai was constantly the centre of everyone's attention and she, Li Zhen, was destined to stand in her shadow forever.

Did anyone realise how invisible she felt all the time? Time and time again she was forced to fade into the background, a supporting character in the drama that was Shancai's life. When would Li Zhen be able to step into the limelight? It was like a splash of cold water directly to the face to realise that without Shancai, she herself simply became a part of the furniture. Ever present, easily ignored and only acknowledged when useful. There was no denying it. After all, she hadn't been invited to Sanya along with Qinghe and the rest of F4 - no, instead she had been left behind at home, the irritating pet that everyone pretended to love but never had time for. She had only been invited to Jing's party as an afterthought; did Shancai really think Li Zhen hadn't noticed how hasty and insincere her invitation had been? If she hadn't conveniently been stood at her locker, next to the oh so glorious Shancai, she doubted an invitation would even had been extended. Only Shancai was worthy of joining the elite; herself and Qinghe, they were just her accessories, her entourage. It was disheartening to realise it, but there was little to no evidence to suggest that Shancai cared one iota about either of them. Why would she when she had Daoming Si falling over himself to impress her?

It had always been this way, ever since the tender years of middle school; when other girls had been getting asked on dates and experiencing their first crushes, Li Zhen was still the girl the boys asked to do their homework. Li Zhen was only ever the runner up, the castoff, the second option. The ugly stepsister to the popular clique (or in this case, Shancai's) Cinderella. Didn't she deserve a happy ending too? Wasn't she just as worthy of winning Prince Charming's heart? Why was she always the frog never to be kissed?! She was tired of being overlooked all the time! Why did nobody ever see her, Li Zhen, for her own merits? She had so much to offer, she just wanted to be seen! It was all Shancai's fault; the stupid girl had eclipsed her from the very start, she had never stood a chance?

After all, the only interaction she had ever had with Daoming Si had resulted in her tossing a cake on his head and being thrown into a wall? Who had baked said cake? Shancai. Who had suggested taking a photo? Shancai. Who had told her to step back on a stairwell, fully aware of the Daoming heir stalking up the steps behind her? Of course it was Shancai! That girl.... she didn't deserve Daoming Si, and if he wasn't willing to see it, Li Zhen would make him! Her stomach churned as she pulled out her phone, the suggestive picture burning into her retinas. Should she really do this? Could she really do this? She was burning with jealous rage as she watched Shancai and Daoming Si bicker, their bodies curved towards each other unconsciously. Poor Daoming Si, he was caught in her riptide, helpless to her; he needed to be saved! Li Zhen watched in dismay as Shancai snapped at the tall man, she watched as his shoulders hunched inwards and he slunk away, once again clearly stung by Shancai and her vicious words. Her resolve hardened when Daoming Si strode past her hiding place without nary a glance in her direction. She was tired of being good, of acting logical, especially when she she noted Daoming Si swallow hard, clearly on the verge of tears. That was all it took to make up her mind. Dong Shancai was a viper, unworthy of his notice and unworthy of her loyalty.

Let's see them ignore this she sneered internally as she hit send. Shancai was about to get what she deserved.


This is my last attempt at the second prompt list given to me by Jen (JVH624 ). The word was loyalty, and Li Zhen and her betrayal was all I could think to write. Apologies for the short length and lack of detail, it was difficult to get into her head. I hope you enjoy regardless. If you have any prompt requests, feel free to leave a comment!

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