Your End

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Spencer and I sat in there for what seemed like hours, when we heard the entry way opening. What the fuck? Who else knows about this place? Spencer and I walked back, farther into the darkness. I could hear a growl rising in his throat as he stood protectively in front of me. My body started to radiate heat off of it, indicating my wolf wanted out. I scooted closer to Spencer, feeling heat was also radiating off of his body. We were both ready to let our wolves out and make a run for it, hopefully making out alive.
The intruder finally walked down the stairs, and as soon as I heard the voice, I knew it was my brother.
"Riker? What are you doing here?" I stepped around Spencer, now somewhat revealed.
"Snow! Oh thank God! Dad hasn't been here yet. If you guys come with me, I have a better place to hide than this."
"This is a perfectly safe space, Riker."
"You didn't tell her, did you, Spencer?"
I looked at Spencer with a questioning look.
"No, I didn't. And now isn't a-"
"We'll follow you, and Spencer, you have some explaining to do."
We followed my brother up the stairs, and out to his truck. Can't we just run?
We climbed in, Riker in the driver's seat, me in the middle, and Spencer to my right. Riker started the truck and we took off, towards town and out of the woods.

_______meanwhile in Right Wind Pack_____

"Where is he?"
"Sir, I don't know."
"Well find him!"
I can't believe he took off like that. I know he and his sister are close, but this is breaking pack law.. then again, by killing Alpha Charnas, I'll be breaking pack law, too. He is the one who allowed her to do that though.. they dug their own graves, ultimately.
I sighed and got up, stretching my old bones. I've gotta get Riker back. He will be alpha in a few months. There is no acceptions.
I walked out onto the patio that I loved. I sat in my favorite chair and began planning on how I would end Charnas' life, and possibly Snow's, too.
"Sir! When do you want to leave?"
"We can go now. No vehicles. Just transform."

_____ back to Spencer, Riker, and snow____

I must have fallen asleep because I felt somebody carrying me. I opened my eyes a little, but the figure was too blurry. A few minutes later, I was put down on a bed, or at least I was hoping it was a bed.
I finally opened my eyes, seeing I was in a cave or large den of somesorts. I looked around, seeing I was on an animal hyde bed, and seeing Spencer and Riker were on an animal hyde couch. Spencer looked over and gave a small smile, obviously forced. I need to ask him about what Riker meant.
I got up and walked towards the boys, sitting between them. I looked at Riker, who continued to look at the small fire that was going, then at Spencer.
"Okay, before I forget and get more pissed off at the both of you, what is it neither of you are telling me? And let me remind you, I have the ability to make it so you guys can't father your own pups." There was deffinately anger laced in my voice, but I didn't care. I needed to know what was being hidden from me.
Spencer looked at me then at the fire, taking a deep breath.
"Your father was the best of friends with my father. That ended when my father became alpha and had to send some of his best males to other packs. One of the best males happened to be your father. Your father blamed him for ruining his life, as he had already mated and had a pup."
I have another sibling out there? A half sibling?
It was Riker who then began to speak.
"Dad kept that part from us. When I visited the Ghost Pack as a young wolf, I met Spencer. He was not yet alpha, but was training. We got to know each other. He told me about Dad's lies and secrets, the past we never knew about him. We have a sister in that pack. Her name is Willow. She has white hair and ice blue eyes, just like you, Snow. Her wolf is pure white, as yours is pure black. Dad was forced to leave her and her mom by Spencer's father.
"When Dad found out that I had been talking to the heir of Ghost Pack, he had punished me, and vowed to find a way to over take Ghost Pack. At the least, he wanted to kill all alpha heirs, along with the alpha. He's never gotten a chance until now."
I looked at Spencer for confirmation.
"It's true. Your father would have never given you to Ghost pack, but I made a promise to Riker. He had snuck off at one point as a young wolf, and told me you were born. Another female to be promised to another pack. He made me promise that I would take you into our pack one day, and find you a mate. I did find you a loving mate, but i didn't put much into the thought of age differences. I knew that the other two single wolves here are much younger than you and have bad reputations, so I had no choice but to choose you as my own mate. I also knew that by doing this, I would be able to protect you much easier, as I would be able to keep an eye on you. I would have that bond, sharing our thoughts with one another. And with all of this, I realized that I had fallen for you even before you fell for me."
I was shocked by everything, but the most surprising thing was the fact that Spencer and my brother had planned things out. They planned to keep me safe from our father, who held many dark secrets that have yet to be told. What the future holds for us three, I have no idea. I just know that we can't go back without being executed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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