
"Who are you!" I lift up and my vision is spotty. Everything is bright and white. The womens voice is still in my mind but I choose to ignore it. My sight clears. I'm in the hospital. I rub my face. I have a feeling im not alone. I turn and see a man in the chair sleeping. I decide against waking him and instead let him sleep. I lay back down, looking up at the ceiling. What time is it? How did I get here? What happened? My mind begings to wonder further into my brain. Who was that voice? Does it have something to do with the forest? Why was my mom so shaky?

"Hey, youre awake!" The man in the chair expreses excitedly.

"Yeah I'm awake. Who are you?" I speak bluntly. Why would I need to show expresion?

"Oh! I'm Daniel. You passes out on the street so I took you here. I wanted to stay incase you woke up." Daniels body was the shape of an upside down dorito. His hair was blonde with green tips, it seemed free and flowing. When he spoke he did it with infesis, making sure every word was heard. He had almond shaped eyes that were forest green. I'll admit: he sure seems like a ladies man. His cheeks stuck out to my the most, the way they changed with his expressions. When her smiled they wrinkled up and a dimple formed on his chin. When he would rest is face his cheeks would be perfectly proportioned. His whole bodies anatomy stunned me, I have never seen such a good looking person.

"Uhm. I'm Justin." My voice trailed as I still lay, admiring his features. "So, what happened?"

"You fainted on the road and some asshole was yelling from outside his car so I picked you up and put you in my car, taking you here of course." Daniel looks nervous and awkward.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble." Daniel quickly shook his head and went completely serious.

"It was actual no trouble my manager understood when I told her so it was fine." When he's serious his face smooshes together and he feels towering even if he's sitting.

"Manager?" I regret asking but I'm actually curious. I should learn to keep my mouth shut.

"I was on my way to a small commercial gig." Daniel seemed excited about his job. I felt bad for ruining his day planned. As if reading my mind he simply says, "Although I didn't like the part I was playing. I was supposed to act as if I had a butt rash. So I thank you in getting me the hell out of that one." He laughed. His laugh was deep and had an echo, it made me laugh as well.

Soon I had to leave and I excepted a ride home from Daniel because I had no idea which hospital I was at. The ride home was in mostly silent with light background music. I was awkward and had no idea what to do. I should thank him or give him something as a thank you gift.

"Give me your number so I can give you a thank you gift." I said all too quickly. I half expected me to say it out loud. I realize soon that I should have waited till I was closer to my apartment before asking Daniel for his number. There was a high chance of rejection and I don't think I can take that much embarrassment in the small space of a car.

"Yeah sure, just give me your phone." Daniel says to my surprise. I hesitate for a bit but I unlock my phone and give it to him. I studied him as he looked at the road and typed as well, my parents always taught me to stay off the phone when driving. I don't have a car right now so I mostly walk places so I never worried about it. I am worried right now as he multitasked on a dark road. He finished typing and I feel relieved. I simply close my phone and enjoy the ride home.


The doctor had told me to take a day off from all my work, although I still find myself rushing coffee to my boss. I had gotten to the café with many people orders on my list, finding the line was long and it could take a while. The line eventually got shorter and I was start to say my order when I notice the barista.

"Trish? When did you start working here?" Trish was my freshman year roommate and ha been my best friend since. We seemed to drift when I started working for the studio.

"Oh I started working here shortly after you started interning, but you wouldn't know that would you?" Trish had a bitchy attitude and I could tell she's stressed from being the only barista working. Her hair had changed to purple and she started wearing glasses.

"Sorry I j-"

"Save it and give me your order you see there are like six other people behind you, right?" Trish was different. I looked at her, her eyes glistened with a silver and her whole face changed. Her purple short hair grew long and white, her nose seeped into her face, her lips thinned, and her chin pointed. It only lasted a second before I blinked and there was her bitchy attitude.

My eyes are wide and my hands are shaking. I feel my whole body is cold down to my feet. I back up and accidently step on some ones foot. I mutter a "sorry" before running out the door. The whole street seemed to turn grey and everyone was staring at me. I hear many whispers of "he's not ready." and "Is that really a Bleaks?" I was scared, I'm not going to lie. I ran to my apartment, ripping my tie off my neck. I needed to go and relax away from the city. I needed a car.



Okay so,

     This is harder then I thought. I knew I couldn't make this in one sitting but after a while I begin to lose the reason of why I'm writing this in the first place. So I will say there could be many mistakes and errors. I tried to make it as interesting as possible and I honestly don't know if I'll update unless some of my friends say its a good chapter and give me more ideas. Right now I have no clue how I'll end this story or where I'm going with it. I do know I might not give completely up on this story and carry it on the best I can.

This is Elecea signing off*


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