Chapter 6- 1-800-275-8255

Comenzar desde el principio

Sophmore year passed and summer came again. Jimin and Taehyung's friendship stayed strong, but Jimin and Johnny slowly started seeing less and less of each other. But Jimin never put much thought into it. Epsecially when he met Jungkook. The rising ninth grader was like a younger brother to him; he just felt that he had to take the boy under his wing. Although the boys were constantly picking on each other, as siblings do, you could clearly see the care that they had for each other.

When Jimin eventually introduced Jungkook to Taehyung there was an immediate connection between the two. It wasn't long before their constant flirting developed into the relationship it is today. The three boys returned to school; Jimin and Taehyung's junior year and Jungkook's freshman. This year seemed to be the turning point, the moment everything took a turn for the worst.

There was this guy. His name was Kai, and he was the first boy Jimin ever had a crush on. Jimin remembered the first time he saw Kai sitting beside him in Physics. Kai was a bit taller than him, and played on the baseball team-making him quite lean and fit. They had a few classes together in previous years, but Jimin never looked at him this way until now. When assigned to a group project with each other, they found that they were similar in quite a few ways. Their taste in music and shows were in sync, and Jimin just found the boy's personality adorable and caring. Jimin told Taehyung and Jungkook about his newly found crush of course; the both of the becoming ecstatic at the advancement in their friend's once non-existence love life. They heavily encouraged him to tell  Kai, so he did. There was no fear or nerves in Jimin when he did this although he did have an inkling that Kai didn't return his feelings.

Which he indeed didn't, but this wasn't a huge problem for Jimin. Kai had let him down easy, and was really kind about the whole thing.They actually ended up staying friends, and Kai wasn't uncomfortable about Jimin's newly discovered sexual preference. Everything seemed to be just fine, except the fact that this new news had spread across the school pretty fast. There was little to no trouble since there was quite a few openly gay kids at the school- including Taehyung and Jungkook. Sure there was the occasional weird side glance or rude comment, but jt was never something that Jimin couldn't handle on his own. That was until about a month later.

Jimin began to notice the strange stares and awkward silence coming from the boys of his foster home. Especially Johnny in particular. He was never really that close with any of them besides Johnny, but this wasn't just unfamiliarity.  The air would thicken with a shivering tension anytime he was alone in a room with Johnny, or a few of the other boys. This feeling continued to build up, then one day everything just snapped. ⚠⚠⚠⚠

That day was a vague memory. Certain detailes were foggy like what he was wearing, and what movie they were watching. But it was quite racey- practicallt porn. Jimin felt slightly uncomfortable while the other boys were laid back casually cracking jokes. There was woman going down on a guy, and Johnny for unknown reasons felt the need to look over at Jimin. Who in turn, sat scrolling through Instagram completely minding his own business.

"You like blowing right Jimin?" At first Jimin didn't process what had been said until he heard the other guys choking on stiffled laughter.

"What?" he asked in disgusted dibelief. Johnny just laughed and rephrased his question.

"You like sucking dick right? Any good?" The room was filled with hollering as the boys laughed at Jimin's humiliation. Jimin just rolled his eyes.

"What are you even talking about? Just shut the fuck up and watch your fucking porno." he snapped, turning back to his phone. A chorus of oohs rang out at the attitude coming from the small gay's mouth no one was expecting. Johnny on the other hand couldn't find the amusement in the situation. In fact he was quite fed up with Jimin and his fat mouth. He was tired of him flopping around like the cock-sucking whore he was as if he owned the entire place. He stormed up behind Jimin, yanking his phone away and flinging it across the room. "Hey! What the literal fuck is wrong with you?!" Jimin yelled as he moved to stand up, but Johnny grabbed him by the hair and pushed him down to his knees by the time he sat up.

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