your turn to die

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Disclaimer:ce texte sera en anglais parce que flemme de le traduire. Pour le contexte:On est Sara une lycéenne enfermée dans un endroit avec 10 autres personnes et ils doivent s'entre tuer en choisissant qui doit mourir lors d'un vote,dans le main game. Ici c'est un réalité alternative où Keiji,mon husbando de ce jeu,meurt ou lorsque Sara la protagoniste meurt.

Alternative universe:2nd main game plot's ending:

-The last trade was made by Keiji. To save Sarah...softly said Sou.
The world started spinning. He was saying the truth?
-No. Impossible....R-Right Keiji?
He stayed silent. And looked at me with a sad look.
-K-Keiji? He's wrong...Why aren't you telling anything?
He sighed.
-He's right. I'm the sacrifice. I made the last trade because when we were sharing the laptop,i knew that you were the sacrifice. But at the time i didn't have enough tokens.
I couldn't say anything. I just looked at him in despair.
-But then why am a commoner...?
-No clue. But i am most certainly the sacrifice.
-But...Why? Why would you do that?i started to tear up,understanding that he was serious and that he was gonna die,whatever we would do.
-Well. Your life as more value than mine here. You are the heart of this group. You keep them together better than how your friendly policeman tried to. So when i knew that nobody will do anything to save you,i made the last trade.
-No...No please....
I dropped to my knees,tears that i was keeping started to fall.
-Big sis Sarah?said Gin,worried.
-I...I can't believe it...You should have saved yourself Keiji...
-We would been pretty much doomed without you. It wasn't really a hard choice to make.he smiled softly and with his grey eyes,gazed at me,he didn't want this as much as me,but he sacrificed himself.
The next part was blurry. They talked,but i hardly took part. And finally,we had to vote.
-Sarah. You need to vote or they're gonna kill you.
-B-But Keiji-
-We are in a tie. It's either Sou or Kanna.
I took my tablet and voted for Sou...
-You really hated me,didn't you Sarah?
-No...I just didn't want to kill a kid...So sorry Sou...
-I am going to count the vote...0 vote for Keiji,2 vote for Kanna,3 vote for Sou and 2 vote for Nao.
I felt my heart sink in an ocean of despair...Keiji was going to die...Because of me...
-Hey...Sarah. It's okay. You did good.
-But...Keiji you...
-I saved my little partner,i'm satisfied.
He hugged me and i cried in his arms.
-T-The execution is about to begin...
He left me and got up.
-I'm ready.
Safalin put some sort of device around Keiji's wrists and stomach. And she went to me and gave me a little device with a button.
-If you want to give a quick death with no pain,use this.
-Don't press that button Sara.said Keiji softly.
I took shakingly the device and Keiji execution started. At first it seems that it was bearable but at one point,we heard something's cracking and after Keiji's scream,we understood it was his bones.
I was going to click on the button but he managed to saw me.
-D-Don't Sara.
He was panting,his clothes started to take a reddish color. Another breaking sound and another scream. I just looked at him,crying.
-D-Don't worry Sara...
Gin went to me and hugged me, hiding his head in my neck. He couldn't take it anymore. With my spare hand i gently stroke Gin's head and heard him sobbing.
-M-Mr. Policeman...
This cause me to cry even more,even though i thought i couldn't.
Again,a breaking sound and another scream of pain,but this time,his voice seems that just broke.
-Keiji...I can't let you suffer more!
-A-And i'm not going to let you f-feel responsible for all of u-us. Leave this t-thing.
I just looked at him with dead eyes. He was the only one that stuck by my side like Joe and they shared the same fate.
He looked at me,he was in pain but he managed to keep his head up.
-Sarah...S-Smile for me...he said so weakly i thought i dreamed it.
-Smile Sarah. I-I don't wanna see you c-cry in the end...
With tears streaming down on my face,i managed to make a big smile.
-T-That's a bit better...D-Don't you think?
And finally,the device almost managed to cut Keiji's body in two. The two parts that were in each side were putting so much pression on his body that it was the final blow.
-. . .S o r r y . . .S a r a h. . .
I looked at Keiji,his eyes were lifeless,his head slowly hanging down,blood coming out of him almost like a waterfall,from the where the device got pressure on and also from his mouth.
I left Gin to go over him and gently touch him.
The device let him go and i grabbed him as he was going on the floor.
I looked at him,and saw a faint smile of his face,and as his facial expression left him,tears started to fell. I looked at him and remembered all of the time he stayed by my side. Making me forgot a bit about Joe's hallucination. Helping and trusting me since the beginning. Helping me get over my friends deaths Joe,Kai,Alice...
-No...No please...It's a nightmare right..?
I looked behind me to see everyone's horrified face. Q-taro went towards at me and gently put a hand on my shoulder.
-I'm sorry Sarah...He was truly a good man...
-. . .
The group started to come around us and Gin cried in my arms,as Keiji's sleeping head was resting on my lap.
-Big sis Sarah!!said Gin ad he cried uncontrollably.
-G-Gin...It's okay...You can cry...All you like
I continued crying for a while with some of the others.
-I am sorry but...Sou's execution must proceed.
I looked at Safalin in shock.
-Please no...! I can't take it anymore!
-Leave my ally live Safalin!i beg of you!
-I must continue my duty a-as floor master...
-Don't approach Sou! said Q-taro as he pointed a gun at Safalin.
-Where did you-Oh Gashu's gun...
-Don't make another step!
She walked towards Sou and Q-Taro tried shooting at her but...
-It's empty.said Safalin as she continued to walk towards our friend.
-You think i'm gonna let you do whatever you like?
He then showed his his hand?
-I'm going to escape! And save everyone!
-Sou...Run!i said with my last determination.
He nodded and started running.
-This facility as many protection. He won't make it...
We heard gunshots and some others things. We couldn't make a move and Safalin disapeared.
-I...Just need to get Keiji's body...she said as she reapeared next to me.
-Don't you dear touch him Safalin.i angrily said.
-You can keep something of him if you like...
Something...Of him?
-If it's clothes i could wash it if you like.
-I...Give me Keiji's jacket...Safalin.
-Alright miss Sarah.
I looked one more time at Keiji's sleeping head and sighed heavily. I wanted to cry more,but i felt like i cried all i could.
She gently took Keiji and disapeared. We went towards the lobby. I was a walking corpse and went to my room.
A jacket was on my bed. Keiji's jacket,like i asked.
-K-Keiji...i gently touch the jacket and started crying again. It was a nightmare.
I fell asleep without knowing it and i woke up gasping,my pillow wet with tears and sweat.
-Keiji...It wasn't a nightmare was it?
I heard a faint knock.
-You can enter.
It was Keiji. My eyes grew wide open.
-Are you okay? I wasn't sleeping and was walking when i heard you crying pretty loudly. Is it about Joe again?
I looked around him in shock. I searched for his jacket on my bed or something but nothing. He was real. It was just a nightmare. He...
I promptly left my bed and hugged him tightly,crying.
-Sarah,was is it?
-I...I thought you died...
-Why would I?
-I...It was before the main game and i had the sacrifice card just before it b-but just before doing the main game you traded my card for yours and...And...
He gently pet my head. Hugging me back.
-It's okay now...I'm here. It was just a dream Sarah.
-But...but it looked so real! So when you entered...I thought you were an hallucination...
-And you were searching for something,yeah?
-In my dream,Safalin let me keep something that you had. And i took your jacket. I know it's weird but-
-So when you saw that it wasn't there you understood it was a dream?
-Well i'm here now. And i'm not going anywhere.
I continued crying in his arms for a while,we didn't movr from this until i started getting sleepy again,don't even know how i could after that terrible dream.
-I'm going to let you sleep now.
-S-Stay with me please...
He sighed and smiled.
-Alright Sarah. Just for you i'm gonna stzy with you so that you can sleep easy.
-You should rest too. i went back on my bed and took him with me as i lied down.
-You really know how to persuade someone,don't you?
I went close to him and closed my eyes.
-Good night Keiji. And rest.
-Yeah. Good night too Sarah.
What she didn't know is that Keiji had the same dream. Her having the sacrifice card and dying. He wasn't just taking a walk in the middle of the night. He wanted to make sure it was a dream. With her at his side,he managed to sleep a bit too. Before the main game...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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