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Regina POV.

I get out of my car and immediately see Emma Swan, and with her Neal. Of course he is, he's always hovering around her. Even when he was dating Tamara, no wonder she cheated on him. I walk over and and say "Swan." Just so Emma will get the message. I don't like her, she is beneath me. One thing my mother has taught me is to be great, become who you are meant to be. Embrace your inner greatness, and that is exactly what I do. People may ask me why I'm so mean, and the answer is simply because I can be. It's just part of being great. I was foolish to have ever even had a relationship with that stable boy Daniel, my mother was only helping me when she made them leave town. But why don't I feel assured?

But I didn't have to much time to ponder, my friend Kathryn waved to me and I walked over. "Did you tell iff that swan girl?" She asked. "No, just ticked her off." I swear she tries to hard to make me like her. "I love that outfit isn't that the one we saw in the mall." I looked down at my white sweater, black pumps and short skirt. "Yes, I believe it is." I say. "Well I'll be off to class, see you at Granny's Regina!" I was about to reply when an arm slung over my shoulder. I immediately shrugged it off and looked over to see Graham stifling a laugh. "Your so immature Graham." I say. "I know, and I embrace my inner immaturity." He replies and I just give him an eye roll.

I get to my locker and look over to see Ian at Emma's locker. He tries way to hard. He was so much more when he was with me. Now he hangs out with sons of antique dealers and a girl who's last name is a bird. I see them walk to class together and I just wonder what is wrong with him.

When I get to math I sit next to Malarie. We've been friends since she played Maleficent in freshmen year. When Emma came to school, she got the lead role in that play as sleeping beauty. I think it's only cuz Emma's a blonde.

The teacher hands out a pop quiz, and I answer each question easily. Well I'm bound to get another A. I think to myself. You know there is a difference in being popular and being the queen of the school. Being queen means being smart, quick, patient, wait for the right moment to attack. That is how you get things done. I hear my mothers words in my head 'don't let anyone get in your way, even the ones you love.' And it reminds me that no one can take my place, not even Emma. Because no one is willing to do what I do.

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