17. Baby Shopping

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Daniel 💜

Daniel and I are currently at the mall baby shopping for our baby boy. We realised that we should make a start on the essentials as I'm 5 months on and we haven't really bought anything for the baby yet and we want to be prepared in case anything happens early. We are walking through the mall finding places to go in but we haven't found anywhere yet. Daniel holds my hand. "Is there a Carter's here, babe?" he asks. "Yeah I think so but I think it's on the top floor" I reply. First we come a little independent baby boutique so we go in. It looks so cute. "Look they have adorable outfits for both boys and girls" I say. "Yes I know, babe but we are having a boy so stop looking at the girl things" Daniel said. We got at the boy clothes and see some really cute outfits. Things are quite expensive here so we only buy two things so we move onto Carter's next as they are more reasonable. We go in and go straight to the baby boy outfits. "Dani, look at this" I say holding up a fluffy teddy bear onesie. "Awe that's so cute" he replies. "We have to get him this. It can be his coming home outfit" I reply. "Yeah I agree" he replies. So we buy that as well as a few more outfits from Carter's. We had a successful day

Corbyn 💙

Corbyn and I have just spontaneously decided to go out to Target and do some baby shopping for our little girl. We already have a few of the essentials things like a changing table, diapers, clothes and a few other things like that. We are still looking for a suitable stroller and car seat so we are mainly looking for that tonight. It's around 8pm and we just decided to go and shop now. We get in the car and travel to Target. "Let's see what else we can get for our baby girl" Corbyn said. "Yes exactly. Good idea of yours" I reply. Soon we arrive at Target and get out and walk into the store and go straight to the baby section and look at strollers. "What kinda stroller are you looking for, babe?" Corbyn asks. "I like the ones where the baby lies down but we would love to buy a separate car seat" I reply. "Yeah that's fine. Whatever you want, babe. It I think we should get a pink one since we are having a little princess" Corbyn said. We look around till we see the perfect pink stroller we were after. It's just the right size, height and colour so we bought it. We looked around to see if there was anything else we need but we were good for now as we were just really after a stroller. "The perfect stroller for the perfect little princess" Corbyn said. "I know right. She is going to be adorable and comfy in that" I reply. We leave Target and go home for the rest of the night

Jonah ❤️

Jonah and I are just on our way home from an engagement celebration party thrown by his family. We had a great day and it was so cute and sweet that they did that to us. We just recently announced our engagement at our gender reveal party. Before we go home we are going to Walmart to see what baby things they have. We haven't been brought anything for our twins. Having two babies, you have to buy double the amount of things. Two of everything. Soon we arrive at Walmart and walk in together. "So what do you think we need, babe?" Jonah asks. "Everything" I reply. "Should we start off with a twin stroller" he said. "Yeah we will see what they have" I reply. We go and look at strollers and find one we like straight away. Jonah grabs a cart and we find more things we need. "Look, babe. I've just found the cutest matching outfits ever" Jonah said showing me an adorable sailors matching outfits for our son and daughter. "Awwww. That's so cute. We have to get those" I reply. "Of course. They will look adorable in these" he said. We carry on filling up the cart with lots of things. By the end of the trip the cart was piled high and we only just fit everything in the car. It's a good job we got a bigger car now that we are having twins. Jonah and I got loads of things for our little ones today

Jack 💚

Jack and I have just got back from baby shopping at the mall. We have spent literally spent all day there buying things for our baby boy and we got a lot of amazing things for him. We are now home. Yes Jack and I have bought an apartment together so we can live together for when our baby boy comes. It's important we do. We haven't been back that long but we are sat in the couch looking at all the things we got today. We got mainly clothes but we did get other stuff. "This is cool. He's gonna have so much fun in this" Jack said holding up a bouncey chair we got the baby. "He is. It'll keep him entertained" I reply. "Look at all the cute outfits and shoes we got him" Jack said. "I know everything is adorable. Our son is going to be adorable" I reply. "Just like his father then" he laughs. "And his mother too. He will have both of our looks" I say. "Yeah I guess" Jack laughs. We spend ages admiring all the great stuff we bought for our baby son today. We can't wait to organise everything in his room for his arrival. So exciting but we still have a lot to do

Zach 🧡

Zach and I are heading out to do some baby shopping for our little girl. Our parents have given us a starter budget of $500 between them to get as much as we can. What we don't get I will put on the list for my baby shower. It's really exciting going out and buying stuff for your baby. It's Zach and I's first time doing this. My mom said going to Carter's as they have great things there for pretty good prices so we head there first. We are mainly going to get clothes but also a few smaller things too. Big things like stroller, crib, changing table will go on the baby shower list. Soon we arrive at Carter's and park up and walk in. "Let's see what they have for our baby girl" Zach said. "Definitely" I reply. "We are going to get her a lot of cute outfits" he said. We grab a basket and we go the baby girl section of the store. Zach sees a onesie that says 'Daddy's Little Princess' on. "Baby we have to get this. She's definitely going to be daddy's little princess" he says. "Of course that's very cute, Zachy" I say. We bought a lot of outfits from Carter's and also a couple of extra thing too like blankets and bibs. On our way back Zach and I pass a little baby store that was closing down. Everything was 50% off so we bought a loads more things from there. We had a great shopping trip and went back to my place to arrange things

A/ N: I love all the cute baby things you can get out there. I glance at them every time I go into a store. Can't wait to have a baby one day

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