◆04◆ Take flight!

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Michiyo wondered what her training will be. She was a little nervous about it, so nervous that she was taking deep breaths of preparation every now and then. 

Shinsou told her to wait at the forest area of U.A. 

"Michiyo, it will be okay. I'll be watching you." Todoroki reminded her. 

"Thank you." 

"I am here to make sure you won't get hurt and you get adequate rest." Todoroki wasn't sure he could trust Shinsou to train Michiyo so he will need to keep an eye on them. Todoroki wondered what was the meaning behind Shinsou training Michiyo. 

"I'm here." Shinsou said, an hour late. 

"You're late." Todoroki pointed out. 

"Preparation took longer than I had expected. I hope you're not thinking of interrupting the training session." Shinsou said to Todoroki, looking at him suspiciously. 

"If you're not doing anything fishy, me being here shouldn't be a problem. I'm looking out for Michiyo's best interest." 

"If you are doing that then you will trust her." Shinsou looked at Michiyo, who was in U.A. sportswear. "Are you ready?" 

Michiyo nodded, "Please take care of me!" 

"Alright." He suddenly dragged his foot onto the ground to draw a line. "Start from here and run to the goal." 

"Where is the goal?" 

"The other end of the forest." 

Michiyo blinked, "T-that sounds easy."

"Really? Let's see how you do with the traps I've set." 

Michiyo smiled, "I can do it!" 'My Diamond Quirk is strong. It won't hurt no matter what he throws at me!'

"We'll see. Go." 

Michiyo ran for it as instructed without signs of hesitation. 

"Michiyo..." 'Knowing how late he was to prepare, he must have done something that will guarantee to stop of her.' Todoroki thought as he glanced at the other male. "You should know her Quirk is powerful." 

"I know. But having the strongest Quirk doesn't mean a thing if it's given to someone with no experience in combat." 

Todoroki then realized what he's trying to do. "Oi, isn't it a bit too early?" 

"It's better for her to experience it firsthand with her body rather than explaining." Shinsou replied back, "Don't interrupt her." 

She wondered what the point of the training was. What traps could he possibly make? It's not like anything could hurt someone with a Quirk like hers-

"Kya!" She was hit right in the face by a branch! She stepped on a string and the snapping of it caused a branch to hit her in the face! "Ah...!" She was on the ground and touching her face! It came at her out of nowhere! She didn't even have the time to harden! "Ah!" She was captured by the capture weapon Shinsou was utilizing just like Aizawa. 

"I forgot to mention, every time you are captured by me, you must start from the starting point." 

"T-that was unfair..." She said with a pout.

"Not fair? I'm sorry, I didn't know villains will fight fair and square." He had a point on that one; no one will fight fairly in a world full of human who had the abilities to touch the powers of heroes or villains. With powers, it only made sense for people to make use of it to its full potential. 

◆Rewrite: Diamond◆Todoroki Shouto◆Boku no Hero Academia◆Where stories live. Discover now