"Harry, get these men a drink. Everyone else, go home."

The people did not hesitate to evacuate the building, some going as far as running out the front doors and the side entrance which was supposed to be used for staff only. Lynette looked up at Harry, waiting to see what he wanted her to do.

"I'll serve them, and then the three of us get the hell out of her," he ordered, his voice struggling to stay strong as it came out in shutters. It was clear to that woman that he was unable to keep his composure, from what she saw everyone was terrified of the man except for herself and Grace. Both of whom knew nothing about the man that would give them a reason to fear him.

"Look," she started as Grace joined her side. "You're in no state to serve these men. Let Grace and I do it, and you get yourself home."

"No, no. I can't just g-"

Grace cut the man off before he could continue arguing. "Harry, we'll be fine."

With some reluctance, Harry passed the keys to the pub over to Lynette before leaving while Grace prepared a tray with seven Whiskey glasses. Lynette grabbed two bottles of the Shelby's usual order, following Grace as they both approached the table which had been shifted to accommodate all the men for the business meeting. Grace sat the tray down while Lynette placed the glass bottles in front of Arthur who opened them to pour.

"You two, go home." Tommy ordered to them as he took his place at the table.

"But Mr Fenton said-" Grace began to argue before Tommy interrupted her.

"I said 'Go home'."

Lynette could see the stress in his eyes as he sat across from Billy Kimber and his two men. Instead of arguing to stay, she stepped forward to take a hold of Grace's arm to guide her away.

"Grace. Let's go," she urged before turning her focus to John who sat closest to her. She fished the keys for the pub from her pocket, tossing them to him. "I'll come pick them up tomorrow morning at the shop."

John nodded to the redhead before she and Grace headed for the side entrance where Lynette had dumped their coats as she watched Harry leave. She could hear the pig of a man behind her making remarks about herself and her colleague. As much as she wanted to go back and show him that she didn't take well to insults, she didn't want to worsen the situation for the Shelby brothers, all of whom she had grown to like.

Lynette took a deep breath once she stepped into the cold air, to release some of the anger that was building in her chest. Grace closed the door behind them before both woman started to pull on their jackets, Grace placing her hat on her head while Lynette tied the belt tightly around her waist.

"Are you sure that you should have given the keys to John?" Grace questioned as they started to walk down Garrison Lane.

The area was completely deserted, everyone had fled after the arrival of Billy Kimber. Lynette examined the expensive car sat outside the front entrance of the Garrison as they passed it, she smiled to herself as she imagined using her razor in her hair clip to leave a scratch or slash a tyre. It's not as if she would be caught, the street was pitch black and there would be no witnesses around to stick her in for the crime.

"No, I can go to their house early tomorrow and get them before opening," she answered.

"Do you want me to get them instead?" the Irish woman offered.

Lynette frowned slightly at the strange behaviour of her colleague, it reminded her of how insistent she had been the day she had entered the pub demanding that she be given a chance for the job. "It's fine, it would be easier for me to get them. I live on the same street as the Shelby's."

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