Introduction thingy

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Mary's POV

"OMG!!" I screamed as Rachel ran over to me.

"Did you win the trickets?!" Rachel asked in her british accent.

"YAAAAAAAAAS!!" I screamed as Rachel threw her self on me screaming really loudly.

"OMG, WE CAN ACAULY MEET PEWDIEPIE AND CRY!!" Rachel said fangirling.

"Ya but we have to start packing, we meet them in two days and we are going to (drum roll please) FLORIDA!!" I said smiling.

Rackel's (Rachel's) POV

We are going to Florida, I'm so excited.

"Alright lets go pack." Mary said in her swedish accent.

"Ok Mary." I said smiling really big.

I packed some t-shirts, shorts, jeans, socks, pj's, and all that other fun stuff.

I Put my bag by the door of my room, and crawled into my bed.

Then I woke up to a scream then a crash.

A/N: sorry short chapter but what do you think. Ily

Just an average broNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ