07 ☺ Texting Etiquette

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7.28 p.m.

Messaging: Crazy Son

Mrs Jung
Jung Wooyoung

Crazy Son
How are you???

Mrs Jung
I'm fine thanks for asking dear :)
But there's something we have to address seriously, son

Crazy Son
Like what?

Mrs Jung
Your texting manners

Crazy Son
What's wrong with them?

Mrs Jung
If you look at your text messages, it may seem like you're actually insulting your friends instead of joking around

Crazy Son
But we are joking around by insulting one another, Mom
We're texting joke-insults to each other
They aren't like, actually serious
They're just for laughs
We're not exactly insulting one another

Mrs Jung
You sure?
They seem very serious to me...

Crazy Son
In chatroom books
Especially crackfic ones like this one we're in
They should be hilarious
And one way to do that
Is thru insults and jokes
Which is why the rest of ATEEZ and ONEUS and I are texting in somewhat rude, joke-y ways
It's for the readers and fans

Mrs Jung
Wait we're in a book?

There's nothing wrong with my texting Mom
It's just for show

Mrs Jung
Okay but
Is it alright if you and your friends lower the craziness of your jokes?

Crazy Son
What does that mean, Mom?

Mrs Jung
I'm just saying that
Maybe the fourteen of you should text in more child-like jokes
So less murder
Less violence
And more sunshine and rainbows

Crazy Son
Welp okay
So basically
Our jokes should be more for appropriate for children?

Mrs Jung
In a way, yes
Both of your groups might have young fans
Like ONEUS for example
The Haeun girl who did the Valkyrie cover with them?
Isn't she like, 10?
And she's a fan of them, isn't she?

Crazy Son
Okay you're right...
So less violent and bloody
Got it

Mrs Jung
Don't forget to tell your friends, Wooyoung
You don't want this book to end up disastrous

Mrs Jung has logged off!

Crazy Son
This seems like a great topic to talk about in the chatroom >:)

[elfinlia1661: welp what is this boy up to now?]

2.19 p.m.



And this time, you're actually first

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