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The next week was basically the same. Everyday after school I'd hangout with my friends and every Friday night we had a sleepover. It was fun. They're all so nice to me and helped me catch up in school.

"Benji! Jorge! Hurry up!" Addy yells from Cayman's car in the parking lot. Benji and I presented a project to the class today, so we got out of school a few minutes later than everyone else.

Benji laughs and grabs my hand, running towards the car. When we get there, I climb in between Benji and Syd.

"How'd the presentation go?" Syd questions. Cayman starts the car and begins the drive to Addy's house.

"Great," I look at Benji waiting for his response. I know it wasn't very good and I feel bad because it's my fault. When I stood in front of the class I got so nervous and couldn't talk. Benji gave the whole presentation with a smile and a few jokes here and there. Afterwards he said it was fine, but I think we won't get full credit for it.

"It was really good," Benji smiles.

"Thank you," I lean over and whisper in his ear. 

"Don't worry about it," Benji whispers back. I lean in closer to him so our arms are touching. When I look up I see Cayman watching us, in the rear view mirror, smirking. I pull away slightly embarrassed, but Benji leans into me. I keep my eyes on my lap so nobody sees the light blush on my cheeks.


"Guys," Addy sits up in her bed and looks around the room at us. "I asked my cousin today and she said she'd buy us alcohol."

"Hell yeah," Cayman laughs. "Let's do it."

"I've never been drunk before," I blurt out. 

"I haven't either," Syd says. They told me they've all had drinks together before, when I still lived in Spain. "I always just take care of everyone. Someone here's got to be responsible," Syd laughs.

"I'm down," Benji looks at Addy. "I'll pitch in ten bucks." Benji pulls out his wallet and gives Addy a ten dollar bill. Cayman and I both giver her another ten dollars.

A few hours later, her cousin drops off a few bottles of alcohol. Addy sets out shot glasses and juice for chasers. 

"Don't be nervous," Benji says to me as I watch her. "It's fun."

"Okay," I smile up at him. "You have to help me though. I don't know what I'm doing."

"I will," He promises and helps Addy pour drinks.

"Syd?" Benji nods towards a shot glass. 

"I'm good," Syd smiles.

"Okay, Jorge, Cayman," She looks at me and calls for Cayman who's down the hall in the bathroom. Cayman appears as Addy says, "Come on! We're taking shots."

I stand next to Benji and grab a glass in front of me. I hold it up to my nose to smell it but Benji stops me. "You don't want to do that. You won't drink it if you do," He smiles at me. 

"Oh," I blush embarrassed at my lack of knowledge about alcohol. 

"Okay," Cayman holds up his glass. Everyone else does the same, so I follow their lead. "One, two, three."

I watch everyone take their shot quickly. I hold the glass to my lips and open my mouth. I let the liquid fall down my throat. Tears prick the sides of my eyes as I swallow the burning drink.

"Take a drink," Benji holds out a cup of juice for me. When I look around, everyone's already recovered from their drink. 

I take a drink of the juice Benji gave me and thank him quietly.

A few more drinks later and I'm feeling weird. I think I'm drunk, but I've never been drunk before so I don't know. My head feels fuzzy and my body light. Addy and Cayman are singing karaoke with Syd laughing and taking videos of them.

Benji and I laying next to each other in the bean bags in Addy's room. 

"How are you feeling?" Benji looks away from the ceiling and looks at me.

"Good," I look at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Hungry," Benji laughs. "But other than that, good." 

I turn my body so I'm laying on my side looking at Benji. He does the same. 

"Your eye's are so pretty," Benji reaches his hand out and brushes his thumb against my cheek bone. Normally I'd be blushing or getting nervous, but it feels great and I like Benji. 

"Thank you," I smile at him and put my hand on top of his. I just hold his hand and we look at each other for a while. 

"Are you glad you moved here?" 

"Yes, I love it here." I do. I've never felt so loved and wanted before I met Benji and the rest of my friends.

"I'm glad you moved her too," Benji leans into me. He rests his forehead on mine and closes his eyes. I pull away, and with a rush of courage, I kiss his cheek. 

His eyes go wide and he sits up. 

"I'm sorry," I sit up and start to panic. Maybe Addy was wrong and he doesn't like me. Maybe I just ruined everything. What if he never talks to me again?

Benji turns to me and leans in, kissing me on the lips. 

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