"We both have our opinions about Maggie. I won't force you to like her, but I will remind you to be careful. I won't let you or anyone hurt her. Keep that in mind Amy"

"God, why is she so lucky when she doesn't even deserve it?" she asked getting up and kicking her chair back, she stomped off.

Stephan understood her frustration and knew he had to stop Maggie, but he was also going to protect her from Amy. That girl was jealous and if she wasn't careful, she'd end up worse than Maggie. Besides, he knew what he was doing. Unlike what Amy thought, he wasn't infatuated. He loved Maggie enough to accept her good and bad side. That's what it meant to love someone unconditionally. His phone pinged, indicating he had a new message. It was from Maggie.

Have dinner with me.

Anytime beautiful. Shall I come over? I can help you prepare it 😘

It's too early. I have to go get groceries first. You're not allowed to step foot in this house before 6.

Now I'm just curious. What will you be feeding me?

Everything's on the menu. Including me 😉. See you later.

Stephan sat back and read that last message over and over again until he his eyes hurt. Was that an invitation? No. It was too soon. She wasn't ready to really be with him. But she'd said she was on the menu too. What had gotten into her? Could it be that she'd had a change of heart yesterday? There was nothing he wanted more than to be with her. He'd loved her for so long without expecting anything in return. Was she finally ready to give him a chance?


Maggie laid back on her bed smiling to herself. Amy had lost terribly and even though they didn't know each other that well, she wasn't about to underestimate her little sister. Already, she'd gone off to complain to Stephan telling him how bad she was. Maggie hadn't intended to eavesdrop on their conversation. She was simply looking for Stephan to ask him if he would have dinner with her. She wanted to thank him for being there for her yesterday when she'd broken down.

Imagine her disappointment when she heard him say he wasn't really going to help her. After promising to give her anything she asked for, he went behind her back and told Amy he wasn't helping her. Did he think she was a child? Telling her what she wanted to hear then decide otherwise when she wasn't around? Was there anyone who was truly on her side or was she completely alone?

Did it matter? The answer wasn't at all surprising. Whether she was alone or not wasn't a problem. Maggie believed her downfall was inevitable. Sooner or later someone was going to bring her down. Because there was no such thing as being on top forever. So while she still had power, she was going to bring everyone down with her. There was no reason for her to suffer alone. Laughing,  she got up and went to prepare dinner. It was possible she'd lost her mind but who cared?

She ordered candles, wine and roses online and she was assured they would deliver them in two hours. Since it was still early, she went about the kitchen making sure she had everything she needed. Then she went back upstairs to get ready. That was after ordering food from an Italian restaurant. As much as she loved cooking, she wasn't about to cook for that traitor Stephan. She was pissed at him for lying to her. She hadn't asked for his help. He was the one who'd offered it. The ass.

Opening her lingerie drawer, she took out a two piece, red lace she'd bought while she was on a shoot in Paris. It came with a tiny silk robe that did nothing to cover her up. Paired with silver stilettos, she looked like a goddess. Satisfied with her outfit, she took a shower then got down to putting on her makeup. Knowing Stephan liked her hair curly, she didn't bother straightening it. By the time she was done, the food had already arrived. Wearing a long white robe, she paid the delivery man then set the table.

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