Start bij het begin

"It's close," Will muttered the obvious as they all looked around. A mug fell from the mug holder and smashed on the floor, making them all tense for a second as the trees moved outside.

The rumbling outside suddenly stopped.

"Where did it go?" Max whispered, no one answered her, not knowing themselves when suddenly what looked like the creatures arm slammed through the side of the cabin

The kids ran to the side as the hand reached towards Eve, Eve leaning back into Max who held onto her waist tightly, terrified that Eve was about to be ripped from her grip.

Johnathan quickly swung an axe at the arm, making it retract slightly and yell in protest. Johnathan did it again and again before being flung to the other side of the cabin. It went to attack Johnathan when Nancy shot it.

"Stay back," Eve whispered to the group as she moved forward, Eleven doing the same. Nancy shot it a couple times before the gun ran out of ammo on the round. The arm went to bite Nancy, when Eleven grabbed its arm. Eve quickly flicked her head, a wave of cloud coming out of her hands as she held them up and the creatures claw fell off, falling to the ground and retracted our the house.

"Eleven, keep them safe," Eve shouted at El, pushing her towards Mike, Will and Lucas.

They all stayed silent, before a new arm came through the broken hole, directly going for Eve. She shot one arm out at it, stopping it, as another arm shot through the opposite side of the cabin.

Eve managed to stop it just inches away from her. She let out a grunt as she held the two arms in her powers, the mist covering them as she let out a groan, trying to break the arms off.

Before she could, another arm came out of nowhere, heading for her stomach, when el screamed and stopped it. Everyone froze as the two girls held on and tried to stop the being, eleven letting out a scream as she managed to break the mind flayers arm.

It made a small scream and Eve moved her hands to the ground, the claws falling with it. Eve breathed deeply as she fell to the floor, drained. Eleven looked down at her, shouting her name when suddenly the mind flayer broke through the top of the roof, grabbing El's leg. It pulled her up, Mike managing to grab her before the mindflayer killed her.

"Shit!" Mike screamed as the party and Johnathan ran to help with El, Eve backing up knowing she couldn't help close distance. She stood up slowly, opposite Nancy as Nancy shot at it. She screamed as her arms shot out at it, grabbing it as they all began to lose grip on Eleven.

"No!" Eve screamed as she broke the arm, letting Eleven fall to the floor. Eve breathed out heavily as Mike ripped the left over claw out of El's leg, making El scream out.

Eve began to run over when a smaller arm came out of the mindflayer's mouth. She didn't see it until it was clasped onto her face.

"Eve!" She heard max shout as Eve felt the life begin to get sucked out of her. They all watched in horror as it did it, not knowing how to help. eleven stood up, staring at Eve as the girl began to go limp, and screamed shooting her arm out.

She had to save her best friend.

El let out a scream, as she flung her arm down, making the monster let go of her. Eve coughed as she fell to the floor, gashes on her face.

Everyone watched as Eleven screamed and manipulated the monster, breaking his head almost completely in two, her incredible power almost killing it, before stopping.

"Come on." Nancy shouted, "we gotta go!"

The group ran to the car, when they realise Eve hadn't followed, Max quickly got out of the car, yelling "I'll get her!" As she ran back inside.

Max ran forward to Eve who was just standing up straight, staring at the monster above, and grabbed her arm, but Eve stopped her, grabbing her by the neck and holding her up in the air.

Max pulled against Eve's hold as the monster roared outside, wanting a round two very soon. She felt the air begin to feel thin as she tried to desperately make Eve let go, but she wouldn't, the girl wasn't her.

"Get off her!" Lucas suddenly shouted, entering the cabin. Eve looked over at him and smirked, holding max tighter when suddenly she got a slingshot to the face, making her pass out and fall back.

Max fell to the ground and stared at Eve in shock as tears built up and her heart sunk. She took a deep breath before running to Eve and grabbing her arm as the monster roared outside.

"Lucas, help me!" She shouted to the boy, who ran over and grabbed Eve's other arm, the two managing to drag her to the car and into the back.

"What took so long?" Mike snapped at them.

"She's flayed!" Max screamed back, her tears finally coming to the surface as the idea they may never get Eve Harrington back pulled at her brain, "we have to help her."

"Shit," Nancy mumbled as El stared at the limp girls face. Nancy started the car, the monster screaming in the background.

"Drive!" Mike screamed, as Nancy forced the car to Start and pulled away racing off.

Told y'all.

voyager // max mayfieldWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu