chapter 1

21 1 5

dear diary today was event full a lot of stuff happed some good some bad anyway i'll just tell you J POV: I woke up at 5 am like usual and I went on my phone checked everything and answers some people back then I got out of bed took a shower then I got changed After that I brushed my teeth and hair washed my face after that I jump out of my window so my parents don't wake up because that could go bad... anyways after that I realized that I forgot my backpack so I have to climb back up and grab it then I jump down again I was walking along the side walk next to my house and seen my neighbors are selling there house.. great if you didn't know I live in like a "gang" neighborhood and that house is the most descent house on this part of town while I was walking I check my phone and see that Megan haven't texted me back she probably still asleep I got to her house and I walk right trough the front door and I see her mom in the kitchen making breakfast
"Hi Jenny" I say "hey jasmine how has your day been so far?" "Good how about you ?" "Good" she says and wither that I went up to Megans room I open the door and Megan is still asleep ugh well I could do this one of two ways hm I stand on the bed trying not to wake her up then I start jumping on the bed and screaming "wake up" as throws a pillow at me "ow" I say she just laughed and got out of bed she went and got in the shower and I went to her closet and picked out an outfit for her if you confused basically we made this system I guess you can call it so we will save time right now it is 6:30 and school starts at 8:15 but Megan always takes forever to get ready so I get everything ready for her then I went downstairs and say that Jenny left for work and she had the food still on the stove so it will stay warm so I get a plate for Megan and put some bacon and eggs on it for her and then I put a piece of toast I the toaster while it is cooking I grab a glass and but milk in it then I take the toast out and put butter and sugar on it I grab a water bottle and fill it for her and I grab one for my self I grab her backpack put all of her school stuff in it then I put her water  in then I put her lunch in it I pick up her bag and bring it to her room and she is there and dressed she's doing her makeup even tho I keep telling her she doesn't need it it's now 7:00 and she is dont with everything in her room and she goes downstairs to eat and I'm just sitting on her bean bag oh I forgot to mention that she lives on the more wealthy side of town anyways I was just sitting there on my phone texting carter
Texting: Carter
Jasmine : hay are you still at home or not?
Carter: yeah I'm still at my house I actually just woke up 😂
Jasmine: oh did I wake you up?
Carter: no it was my alarm but I'm already ready
Jasmine: oh well I have to go Megan is done eating do you want us to come by your house or not?
Carter: nah I'll just meet you guys at school
Jasmine: ok bye 🧡
Carter: bye 🧡
End of text
I walk downstairs and see Megan watching tv and I just laugh and tell her we have to go and she said "5 more minutes " I said no because it was 7:30 she said fine and got up and put on her shoes and I did the same and we walked out the door and I locked it ( when they talk I'm going to do like j for jasmine m for Megan and c for carter )
M: so are we going by carters?
J: no I was texting him and he said nah
M: ooooo you were texting him
J POV my cheeks turn a bright red and I stoped taking anyway if you didn't know I have a pretty big crush on carter but I know for a fact that he doesn't like me back but I'm ok with it me and Megan were just talking and walking to school once we get there we go to our lockers witch are not next to each other :( Her's is way down the hall i was really sad since she was literally my only friend but i got over it we both put our stuff in and our lockers i got done and looked towers megan and she looked to be texting someone but i didn't think anything of it i just walked to the lunch room and sat at a table in the back and megan walked in now she was calling someone and i was really confused and then i hers the other persons voice say " i'm walking into the lunch room can i sit by you and your friend ?" i didn't recognize the voice and then i saw someone i didn't want to see sit next to megan ..

hehe cliffhanger i didn't proof read .. oops anyway comment for anything you want to happen in the story or if i should change anything byeeeee

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