The party

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Keith's POV

The night of the ball had arrived and to be honest I was nervous. Not only were we going to take down Lotor but it would be the first time me and y/n would be in the supernatural world as mates.

So here I am in my room trying to get ready while y/n is in the next room.(You can imagine your outfit). As I was struggling with my tie I heard a knock on the door. "Come in", I said.

"How's it going Keith?" Shiro said as he walked through the doorway.

"Excited and nervous. I'll be more calm once Lotor is no longer a threat" I said as I fought with my tie until giving up.

"I know but try to focus on protecting y/n tonight. Since she is new to the supernatural world, she doesn't know much about it and the people there. Never let her leave your sight", he explains as he fixes my tie for me.

"Now quit worrying and get your mate, we'll be leaving here shortly". After he leaves I fix my And and spray my cologne one more time before seeing y/n. As I walked to her room I pulled a black rose from a vase. When I got to her room I knocked on the door.

"Come in" she said. I opened the door and I saw her at the vanity fixing her hair. "Wow" was all that I could say. She stood up and turned in a circle.

"Does this look good?"

"You look ....amazing y/n"

She gives a small smile. I offer her my arm as we walk down to the car. The ride there was surprisingly short but that meant less time to freak out.

We had to take severer passage ways through the woods to get to Allura's palace. She is hosting it because her family has the purest supernatural blood around. Her palace was a grand manor, usually it looked run down, but tonight it seemed to glow with life. I smile as y/n admires the scene from the passenger side window.
Their eyes sparkled in the glow of the lamps or maybe it was only my imagination. The car pulled around to the entrance. Me and Shiro got out first and I went around to open y/n's door.
She held onto my air and she stepped out of the car and onto the pavement. I could see a slight blush on her cheek as we proceeded to walk inside.
After climbing up the grand stair case, we went through a large doorway that revealed the ball room. All kinds of supernatural beings were out tonight. Then I remembered to keep y/n close. No is going to lay a hand on her, especially Lotor.



"Are you okay?"

I paused a bit before answering

"Yeah I'm great , princess" I say before kissing the back of her hand.

Not long after being seated at our table did the dancing begin. I hadn't danced in so long and I'm not sure how well y/n's dance skills are. Shiro leaves our table to talk to a friend leaving me and y/n alone.

As I listen to music I hear them play a slow song. Well Keith it's now or never. I stand up from the table.

"Miss l/n, may I have this dance?"

Vampire Keith x reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant