chapter 6 // dumbledore's army

Start from the beginning

  Hermione pulled back to the front of the crowd and gave her a judgy look. "What?" The Slytherin grinned, acting innocent. She rolled her eyes at her and started talking to whole crowd. "Um, hi. So, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher, a proper teacher," Hermione stood up, glancing across the room. "One's who had experience defending themself against the dark arts."

  A random boy, Isabel assumed from Hufflepuff blurts out, "Why?" She could hear Ron quietly scoff behind her and replied quickly, "Why? Because you-know-who's back you tosspot!"

  "So he says."
  "So Dumbledore says."
  "So Dumbledore says because he says, the point is where's the proof?"

  For a second, everyone stayed still until someone said something quietly, barely above a whisper, "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed." Harry let out a sigh and stood up. "I'm not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's the reason you're here you can just clear out." He cleared his throat, turning to Hermione. "Come, let's just go Hermione. They're only here because they think we're freaks." "Wait Harry-"

  "Is it true that you can produce the patronus charm?" Luna Lovegood asked as everyone suddenly turned around in her direction and stared.

"Yes," Hermione cleared her throat. "I've seen it." Numerous people throughout the room were mentioning some specific acts of of bravery Harry had done after what Hermione said, until he said "I know it sounds great when you say it like that, but the truth is most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half of the time, I always had help."

"He's just being modest." Hermione smiled lightly. "No, Hermione I'm not!" Harry blurted out, causing Hermione to back away from him.

"Facing this stuff in real life, is not like school. In school if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. But- out there, when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die before your eyes, you don't know what that's like." He said truthfully, sitting back down. Isabel stared into her bestfriend's eyes, feeling nothing but apologetic for him. Harry has been through a crazy amount of things, yet he still doesn't back down and keeps fighting. "You're right Harry, we don't. We need your help, because if we have any chance of defeating," Hermione began to say, but stopped trying to say the dreaded name out loud. "-Voldemort."

"He really is back." A first or second year Gryffindor said, in shock.

Harry laid out a piece of paper and wrote at the top, 'Dumbledore's Army' and told people to get in a line to become part of the group. The Golden Trio and the other two Slytherin's there wrote their names first, and let the other people write their names on the thin piece of paper.

Everyone that wanted to be a part of it (basically everyone in there) finished writing their name, and went on their way back to their dorms. The Golden Trio, Isabel and Sasha, and some other Gryffindors were figuring out a hidden place to have their DA meetings on their way back from Hogsmeade. Ginny mentioned the Shrieking Shack, Hermione mentioned the Forbidden Forest, it was truly a very exciting moment for all of them.

But what they didn't know was that Professor Umbridge was right above them, trying to figure out their little plans.

Isabel's POV
Once I finally entered the Slytherin common room with Sasha, we quickly took our scarves and hats off to put them in front of the fireplace. I noticed Draco was sitting on the couch reading a book and drinking some coffee (very weird though, I didn't know he could read). It seemed if Sasha noticed too, because she winked at me and headed to the girls dormitories. Oh, how I hate and love that girl.

"What were you doing with Williams?" He asked, turning his attention from the book to me. "We were just in Hogsmeade, and can you please call my friends by their first name Draco?" I gave him a judgmental stare and all he could do was smirk at me. I peered over his shoulder and noticed the book he was reading was actually a study textbook. "Studying?" I snorted, apparently too loud as Draco scoffed at me. "I thought you never heard of that before."

"I do, indeed, study Isabel. Do you need help with it?" He questioned me, leaning towards my face.

It took me a few seconds to realize our noses were almost touching, as we were both breathing lightly on each other. I could feel my cheeks heating up, my cheeks turning a tomato red color. It was comfortable silence though, as we just stared at each other's eyes. I cleared my throat, finally ending the silence between us and answered him "No. Not at all." I leaned back and sat in my own chair, pulling out my own muggle book called, 'To Kill A Mockingbird".

  I was in London one day, and found a cheap paperback copy of it in a small little book shop so I decided to buy it. It has a very interesting plot, and I have to say it is one of my favorite books. Draco quickly noticed it was a muggle book and scoffed at it, but not teasingly this time. "Why would you read that muggle book? I thought your family banned muggle things, you know since your family is filled with only pure bloods." He said.

  I rolled my eyes at him, and ignored what he said. My parents always insisted that I must not hang out with "mudbloods" and hang out with the ones with pure blood because they're just simply better. But, I stopped listening to them when they stopped listening to me.

  I could tell Draco was frustrated at me, I felt his burning stare pierce into my soul, so I finally looked back at him and replied with "I don't really listen to my parents anymore. They can't force me to hang out with only these certain people, or only do those certain things. You could probably learn from me Malfoy." I emphasized his last name, trying to imply we weren't on a first name basis anymore.

  I stood up from my chair, grabbing my book and heading to my dorm. "Wait Izzy!" I felt Draco grabbed my wrist and turned me around. I was expecting to meet with his normal cold grey eyes, but instead they were warm and sad. "I'm really sorry, I mean it. Please don't leave me again." He said, barely above a whisper holding onto my hand tightly.

  I wanted to say no, and run away from him but I just couldn't. I felt a sudden urge to just stay with him and talk. Talk about our problems and try to comfort each other.

  "Okay." I replied with a small smile. The cute little grin that I absolutely adored returned back on his face and he pulled me towards the couch. I listened to him intently, as he explained to me about his demanding father, and mother who was actually quite wonderful but was always being forced by his father to do some stupid things. I couldn't help but feel for him, and wanted to really comfort him through his dark times. Our hands were still holding onto each other as we sat in front of the fireplace.

"You're the first person I told about all my problems." The platinum blond hair boy chuckled, fixing his hair. I quickly moved my hand to fluff his hair again and giggled when he groaned tiredly. "What? You look cute with messy hair." I grinned at him. He just laughed back at me held onto my hand tighter. "I think you should open up more." I suddenly blurted out. "It really comforts you, I noticed."

He nodded and hesitantly laid his head on my shoulder. I was obviously surprised by the sudden act but I just went along with it.

I could hear him snoring softly, it almost made me laugh out loud. I stared at the fireplace and started to wonder about.. well about me and Draco.

What were we, really? Were we just friends? Were we more than that? I have absolutely no clue. I pondered to myself more about it, until I noticed it was getting really late. I slowly got off the couch and put a pillow under Draco's head. I grabbed the green blanket from the other chair, and laid it on top of him. He looked so sweet and comfortable sleeping. Which was the exact opposite of what he was when he was awake.

I smiled at him one more time before going to my dorm to change and go to sleep.

omg i can't believe i typed a chapter over 2000 words!! 😳😳
anyways i rlly do hope u enjoyed this chapter because i worked very hard on it :))
what do you think about drisabel? am i rushing their relationship? or is it just fine? i love to hear your guys opinions and thoughts about my writing, it makes me a better writer when i know what you guys think about it.
remember to vote (it really supports my book)!!
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