The 'snowgies' rolled of my body and jumped out of the room, leaving me with a gorgeous woman, at who I was still staring. I admired her graceful movements as she poured a liquid into a cup before stirring it with a little spoon. "Sit on the bed please." She looked from the corner of her eye to see my gaze still resting on her, a smirk making its way to her delicious lips. "Sit. On the bed. Please." I blinked and felt my cheeks burning up with an intense deep red blush as I carefully lifted myself up from the ground and sat on the bed again. 

"Now drink this." I looked at the woman's outstretched hand and watched the liquid swirl around in the cup she was holding. I looked at the cup suspiciously and moved my gaze up to look the woman in her beautiful eyes, one of my eyebrows quirking up. The woman rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist making me squik in surprise. "Is it really that hard?" She pushed the cup against my palm, my fingers automatically curling around it. "Drink. It will return your strength." She let go of my wrist and turned to the tray again. 

I looked at the cup in my hand, not sure if I should trust this woman, but I really don't have another choice. If I don't drink it she will probably murder me, I can see that glint in her eyes, that glint that showed she has done things that are very, very forbidden, or was that just to frighten me. I placed the rim of the cup to my lip and tipped it, feeling the cool liquid flow into my mouth. I swallowed and furrowed my brows upon the strange taste this drink left on my tongue. 

My grip on the cup tightened as I felt the substance spread a warm feeling through my body, my head starting to spin. "Uhm…..w-what….?" I was about to say, but when I turned my head to look at the blonde woman standing beside the bed, my will to form words slipped through my fingers. Her eyes were penetrating me as she placed her hands on the bed, starting to crawl closer to me across the covers. 

My mouth went dry as I felt her breath against my neck, her hand holding my cheek firmly. I started hearing a voice but was too distracted by the woman's lips grazing my skin. My pulse quickened, the muffled voice calling out in the background not completely reaching me. "Would you snap out of it please!" An irritated sigh followed quick after as I snapped out of my fantasy. 

"W-what just happened." I placed my hand against my forehead, a deep red blush covering my cheeks. 

The woman sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out for my hand. "Hallucination, meaning the potion is working you will be back to your normal self in no time." I watched her lift my hand up and my eyes widened in shock looking at my purple, blue fingers, they had such dark colour you could almost call it black. They had been frozen and suffered from frostbite. I was about to pull my hand back, but the blonde just held it even tighter. "Don't." She said sternly before sliding her fingers softly across the palm of my hand, causing shivers to run across my body and my cheeks to heat up even more. 

I bit my lip to hold back a surprised yelp as I started feeling my fingers again and saw how their normal colour started to return. "That will do the trick." She moved on to my next hand and did the same magical trick. 

I cleared my throat as I curled my fingers into a fist and stretched them again after the woman was done healing them. "Uhm...t-thank you….?" 

"Elsa." She stood from the bed and straightened her beautiful dress before moving to grab a plate filled with various pieces of fruits. 

"Thank you, Elsa. My name is (Y/N)." I carefully took the plate in my hand.

"It's quite alright." She waved her hand at my comment and started to walk to the door. "I will check up on you soon, for now eat and rest." She opened the door and slipped through before leaving and not giving me an opportunity to see her wonderful eyes again. 

OneShots//Frozen Elsa x Fem! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن