The Girl-Brooks Rattigan

Start from the beginning

She looked up at me, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "You're safe," I whispered as I reached up and gently caught a tear with my thumb. She looked at me for another second before nodding and leaning her head back against my chest.

We sat in the booth, my arms wrapped around her, as she calmed down. "Y/N," I hesitated. She hummed in response, not pulling away. I cleared my throat, gathering my courage. "Are you hurt? Because I think we should call. . ." Before I could finish my sentence, she quickly pulled out of my arms.

"No," she stuttered. "No no no. Brooks, please no. Don't. We can't call the police. If we do. . ."

"They can help, Y/N. They'll ask you questions, take down your descriptions and then they'll find the men responsible."

"I can't," she stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper. She opened and closed her mouth, unable to get her sentence out. So, instead, she shook her head quickly.

"I'll be here the entire time," I tried to convince her. "I won't leave you. I promise."

She hesitated, not looking away from me. "I know who you are." She said softly. "We don't have any classes together but I see you at school. That's one of the reasons I ran in here. Once I recognized you through the window, I didn't hesitate to come in here. I knew. . . I knew you would help me."

I reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Then let me help you by calling the police," I said urgently. "Please, Y/N." She bit her bottom lip, slowly nodding her head yes.

"Okay," I said letting out a sigh of relief. "We have a phone in the back office." I pointed towards the door that led to the kitchen and the office, Y/N's eyes following my finger. She glanced at the door before looking back at me, the fear returning to her eyes.

"I can lock the shop door until the cops get here," I suggested. She nodded, relief flashing across her face. I slowly stood up and walked over to the door, sending Y/N a smile as I locked it.

I walked back over to her and sighed. "I'm gonna go call them and then I'll be right back. Are you going to be okay?"

"I think so," she stuttered, looking down at her hands. I knelt down in front of her, placing my hands over hers.

"I'll just be in the other room. You'll be fine. I promise." I sent her a reassuring smile and hesitated before quickly walking to the back office.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, a friend of mine was just attacked by two men. I work at the sub shop on the corner of Park Street and 5th Avenue. She was attacked around the corner and ran into the shop after."

"Okay," the lady said calmly. "Is she hurt?"

"I don't think so," I stuttered. "Maybe? She says she's fine but. . ."

"We'll send a police car and an ambulance, right away. Stay with her."

"I will."

I hung up and walked back to Y/N. I stopped in the kitchen doorway when I saw her still sitting in the booth. Except now she had tucked her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

"Hey," I said softly, trying not to scare her. She looked up at me, relieved. "They're on their way." My heart sank when I saw her take a shaky breath. I walked over and smiled when she moved over so I could sit next to her.

I sat down, sucking in a breath when she instantly tucked into my chest. We sat in the booth like that until we saw the reflection of lights on the front window. I looked down at her nervously biting her lip as she kept watching the door. I hesitated before standing up and walking towards the front door, unlocking it.

"Officers," I greeted. "Y/N is over there. She's still a little jumpy." I said slowly.

"Don't worry," the female officer said. "I'll talk to her." She sent me a reassuring smile as she walked over to Y/N. I hesitated as the officer knelt in front of Y/N and started asking her questions.

"She's right," the other officer said, pulling my attention away from Y/N. "Your friend is going to be alright. We'll have an ambulance look her over once it gets here. Until then, can you tell me what happened?"

"Well," I started, clearing my throat. "I was finishing up here, cleaning, when I heard a girl scream. A minute later, someone walked into the shop. I looked up and saw Y/N holding herself up in the doorway. I ran over to her, helped her over to a booth and got her some water. Then I called you guys."

"How do you know her?" He asked.

"We go to the same school," I hesitated. "I only know her in passing. But after tonight, I think that might change."

He didn't say anything, just smiled at me. He patted me on the shoulder and walked outside to help the ambulance. I looked back over to see the woman officer listening intently to Y/N. My heart sank as the tears streamed down her cheeks as she retold the events of tonight.

I sat back and watched as Y/N gave her statement and an EMC checked her over. I tensed every time she flinched or jumped. I let out a sigh of relief as the EMC stepped back, and nodded at the woman police officer before grabbing his supplies and leaving.

The second he and the woman officer stepped away from Y/N, I ran over to her. "You okay?" I asked, sitting next to her. "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine," Y/N sighed, softly. I let out a sigh of relief as I reached forward, grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Thank you," she said, suddenly.

"For what?" I asked, smiling.

"For helping me tonight," she smiled. "I know we don't really know each other, but. . ."

I cut her off by gently pressing my lips to hers. I pulled away before she had the chance to kiss me back. "That's going to change. I promise."

"It doesn't have to," she stuttered, looking at our hands.

I reached forward and lifted her chin so she was looking at me. I cupped her cheek in my hand, gently rubbing my thumb across her cheek.

"I want it to."

Noah Centineo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now