The hunt

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Wolf raced over towards his pack.

"Wolf! What are you doing here, it's dangerous!" Wolf's sister barked at him. "You could've gotten really hurt!"

"Well... I thought I should help hunt. We need as much prey as possible this winter, and I thought I could help" Wolf argued. On the other hand, his sister was right. If it weren't for Eagle, Wolf would've been lynx food. "I'm really sorry" he said after a while. "I didn't mean to worry you"

"Well, as long as you're here, you can join the hunt, but be careful" his sister replied.

"Yes!!!" cried Wolf, unable to hide his joy.

They set off again to find some prey. Before long, they found a herd of caribou.

"Stay down, don't make a noise" hissed Wolf's sister, the lead hunter.

As the wolves spread to circle their prey, the caribou suddenly became wary.

"Do you think they've seen us?" Wolf whined.

"No. If they have they would've fled by now" his sister answered.

One of the caribou gave a squeal and the herd began to run. The pack went after them. Wolf felt the thrill of the chase from muzzle to forepaw, as he ran after the fleeing animals. He saw his sister attempt to bring down an old caribou, but the animal soon escaped from the White wolf's grip. The pack didn't give up though, as they sped across the cold, crunchy snow.

Then, in the corner of his eye, Wolf caught a glimpse of a caribou that had strayed too far from the herd. He grabbed his chance. He dashed as fast as he could towards the animal, before pouncing on the caribou's back. The caribou fought back and kicked Wolf on the muzzle. Wolf fell to the ground. The caribou was about to finish him off, as a warning to the rest of the pack to never attack again. Wolf whimpered on the ground, as the caribou's hoof was heading towards him. He shut his eyes. A moment later he opened them again. He got up. He was in the same place, but the caribou was gone. He turned and saw the rest of his pack running towards him.

"What...what happened?" he stammered.

"Wolf! Are you OK?!" his sister whimpered.

"Yes, I'm fine. But what happened?" Wolf asked again.

"The caribou was about to crush you, but your sister made a spectacular leap to save you, and we caught the creature" called one of the other hunters.

When they returned to their camp, the asked the medicine wolf how Wolf's muzzle will be.

"Wolf will need a lot of rest for the next few days, and he should've leave his den until it is fully better" he replied.

So Wolf spent the next few days in his den, resting. He couldn't wait to get better. He really missed playing with his brothers. But that is for another day........

The Wolves mini adventures book 1: cub on a huntKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat