Ch. 2 | A Promise |

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[1984 ; The Kujo Residence]

The air was crisp and cool, a perfect day to go out, if it was the case with any other two kids. You and Jotaro were currently watching sumo, both yours and Jotaro's favorite pastime. You both sat close to each other and watched the TV intensely, your [eye colour] orbs and Jotaro's ocean coloured ones were completely absorbed in the scene before Jotaro's mother called them for lunch. The two scrambled to the kitchen, their stomachs craving food as they ran to their seats. They both sat down around the same time, each screaming 'First!' as they sat. Both looked at each other and almost broke out laughing if it wasn't for Mrs. Kujo's soft yet stern gaze.

"Alright you two, lunch is served!" The woman exclaimed. While you were eleven and Jotaro was fourteen, you both acted like little kids when you were around each other and around Jotaro's mom. You both dug into the delicious lunch Mrs. Kujo had prepared for you both, which was absolutely amazing.

"Thish ish amazing!" You exclaimed through mouthfuls, Jotaro nodding quickly to agree with your statement. His mother smiling softly at the two. She ruffled your soft [hair colour] locks and Jotaro's ebony coloured ones as she went by the two.

"Well I'm glad you like it! Now I'll be in the living room watching TV, so if either of you need anything, feel free to holler!" She told the two before walking back to the living room. The two ate in silence afterwards, but they enjoyed each other's company enough to not need to say anything. After the two had finished, they put their plates in the sink and ran back to Jotaro's room to continue to watch their show. You both slid back in front of the TV, determined to not miss any more of it.

While you sat there, you noticed Jotaro was staring at you, his turquoise eyes appearing shy in a way. You also noticed a slight red tint to his cheeks and nose, a sure sign he was shy or embarrassed, and he looked like he wanted to say something. You turned to him and muted the TV, waiting for him to say something. When he didn't, you asked what was wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong? Do you want to watch something other than sumo?" You asked while tilting your head, confused as to why his face was suddenly all pink and red. He shook his head and balled his fists up.

"D-Do you remember playing Kingdom?" He asked, already knowing the answer. You nodded your head, confused by his question.

"Of course I remember Kingdom, what kind of question is that Jojo?" You asked the blushing boy, finding it cute. He squirmed and got up before he had went over to one of his shelves, one of the higher ones to be exact. You sometimes forgot Jotaro was already much taller than you, even though he was only fourteen. He grabbed a crown off the shelf and made his way back to you, his hands slightly shaking as he held the paper-mache crown. He sat down in front of before he set the crown down upon your head.

"W-Well, I'm going to make a promise to you. When we're in high school, I'm gonna take you to America during the summer, okay? I know how much it would mean to you to see your family there again. This crown is to symbolize that promise." He said, knowing full well that half of your family had moved to America a few years earlier. You smiled and hugged the already growing bulk of the boy in front of you.

"Thank you Jojo, that means a lot to me." You almost cried, but you held the tears back, since if you didn't you would start to sob. You pulled away slowly and smiled happily at the boy you had grown up with, that happy and sometimes shy boy.

But even he couldn't keep this promise.

[1987 ; During the trip to Egypt.]

It was your sophomore year of high school, it also being your friend Jotaro's final year of high school. He had promised you he would take you to America during the summer, but he and his friend Kakyoin had seemingly disappeared and frankly you didn't think he be able to keep that promise. You had figured he had forgot about it, as well as be gone for almost 50 days. He had left sometime during the middle-ish of the school year, and when he returned he looked horrible. He had baggy eyes and was pretty grouchy half the time, so you thought it best if you left him alone. You had brought him his school work as the weeks had went by, and even helped him with some of it, actually managing to cut the work in half despite knowing little to none of it. You did what you knew and left the rest to him.

⌧DISCONTINUED.⌧ Alluring Childhood. | Jotaro Kujo | Where stories live. Discover now