execution (part 1 of oother parts that i forgot)

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Authors note: so I wrote this a month ago, left it alone, and forgot everything about it so I might as well just publish what I've wrote last month :p


I don't know why I'm expecting anything.

The punishment for this crime is clearly death. And yet, here I am, hoping that I'lll get the life sentence instead. Some people, friends, no, acquaintances. Came here yesterday saying that I'll get the life sentence, knowing me, they said. Some people, those who do not truly know me, who know me only by name and voice, foolishly spout out nonsense saying that I would definitely get the life sentence. Foolish people, have you not studied the law? The law that I poured heart and soul into writing, the law which I worked tirelessly on, day and night, to perfect? No, what right do I have to say on that. It was I who broke my own laws, and it was I who stupidly got caught by my enemies. Though it was for the good of this country, it will never be seen as one. All my deeds, all my actions, will be remembered not as the hero, the saviour who led his country out of a shithole, but as the cowardly wolf in sheep's clothing who led a corrupt reign. I punch the bed with my fist. Ouch. I guess prison beds are basically rock when you think about it.


I bolt up, my sheets fly into the air.


I rush to the bars. And there he is, fedora, pipe, moustache, everything. My loyal knave. Fred gives me a quick tip of his hat and grins.

"Well look who's energetic, Seen you in far worse places, I have."

"Fred, what are you doing here?"

"Whaddya mean old mate? Like I have a right to call myself the King of spades friend if I don't help him out in a tight spot."

"You're gonna break me out?"

"Well, not exactly. I will help out, yes, but the plan mainly relies on you, my friend."

I snort. This clearly is another one of Fred's bad jokes. I walk back to the bed."

"Goodnight Fred."

"Wait wait wait, at least hear me out mate!"

Fred rattles and pounds on the bars. The noise echoes through the hall and I can hear the sounds of some muffled snoring. Shoot. I run back and give Fred a punch. He stumbles back and falls flat on his bum.

"Are you crazy?! You'll wake the damm guards up!"

"Well, you really didn't seem to mind the last time the guards threatened you with a spear, so I thought-"

"Idiot! What if they caught you, huh?!"

A moment of silence. I sigh.

"Sorry, lost my cool there."

"No no, thanks for worrying bout me."

He stands up.

"Anyway, This isn't a joke. I have a plan to get you out of here but you're gonna have to do the work."

"Really now. Fine. Tell me about it."

"Ok. So you know how I'm ranked as a Jack in the land, right? So that means I have connections with the royal families of other houses. They kinda need to have a connection with me in order to make sure I don't invade them you see."

"Alright, so what about it?"

"So what I can do, is deliver messages for help to the other royal houses, and they'll come in a flash!"

Fred gives me a thumbs-up. I frown.

"And what makes you so sure they'll actually come over in a flash?"

"Easy! You'll write the letters, and you'll persuade them! No one apart from the Aces and the Great two can defy your orders, so as long as the aces and the Great two don't catch wind, We can break you out!"

The end.

I forgot everything else.


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