22) Public bathrooms

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That's right, people.

It's time. The day has come.

At last. It is here. The day I rant about public bathrooms.

I've actually been wanting to rant about public bathrooms for a while but an incident occurred today that was so shocking, it triggered me to actually type the rant up.

You see, today, I entered the school bathroom. I'm sure it's obvious as to why I entered it. And guess what I saw?

Take a guess. Come on, don't be shy.

Okay, fine, I'll expose the secret.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

I saw....

One Direction.

Okay fine, not really, I hope none of you actually believed that. I mean, can you imagine One Direction turning up to my school?

Anyways, I'll be serious now.

I saw... a pair of knickers.

That's right - a pair of knickers on the floor in one of the cubicles.

Cue the sounds of disgust from the audience.

Good God, that pair of knickers is by far the most disgusting sight I have ever laid my eyes on in a public bathroom. Like, have you no shame? How can you just leave your knickers there on show for everyone to see? I feel sorry for the cleaner who has to pick that pair of knickers up now.

I mean, would you do that in your own home? Would you just leave your knickers for your siblings and parents to see?

I think not. Your mother would have summoned you and you would leave her with your ears ringing. You just don't do that kind of thing, okay? It doesn't matter if you're the one who's going to have to pick it up or not, you do not ever leave your knickers lying around like that. Why am I even giving you this lesson? Your mother shouldve taught you this at potty training.

Right, so now that part of the rant is over, I'll start ranting about public bathrooms in general.

1) Leaving your soiled sanitary towels:

The only way to express how I feel about it is if I were to have that emoticon of steam coming out of my nose.

That is how I feel. Except you also need to add steam coming out of my ears.

Like I said before, how can you do this? And would you do this in your own home? The same bathroom your father and brothers use?

Again, I need not repeat the answer.

Nobody and I repeat, nobody wants to see the contents of your womb.

And use the goddamn sanitary towel bins. They're there for a fucking reason. They're not there to look pretty and keep you company in the toilet. They're there for you to dispose of them.

Just insert that emoticon of steam coming out of my nose again before I move on.

2) Notflushing the toilet:

Again, I repeat and I'm sorry if it becomes repetitive but for the lesser educated people amongst you; it has to be done.

Did your mother not teach you this at potty training?!

After you make a few sounds which I am not going to repeat, you flush. It's simple as that.

3) Hogging the mirrors:

Now, I understand if you just want to fix your hair and do other girly things of which I have no knowledge of but you end up hogging the sinks.

And there are some girls who spend about 5908 years in front of the mirror. And don't move or apologise when they see you need to wash your fucking hands. I mean, do you want me to walk around with bacteria from the toilet growing on my hands?

And then there are the girls who come in massive groups who's only purpose is to gossip and slap on even more foundation.

Look, there are only 2 sinks with 2 mirrors in my school bathtooms.

The last thing I need is to be getting irritated by a bunch of no names.

4) Leavingthebathroom in a mess:

Look here, if you made that mess, you clean it up.

If you tracked mud in the cubicles, wipe it up. If you use the tissues to wipe your muddy shoes, don't leave them on the floor. Bin's there, just in case you're blind to bins. Don't wipe your muddy shoes on the walls and yes, people do actually do that in my school. Don't leave tissue all over the place. Don't slop water all over the place either.

Don't make me resort to using the disabled person's cubicle seeing as that's the cleanest one.

Don't make me have to give you a lesson in using the bathroom.

All you need is a pass in potty training when you were 2 years old and you won't be on the receiving end of hate.

I hope you idiots learnt your lesson and for the non - idiots, vote if you liked this rant and comment below about anything else you hate about public bathrooms.

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