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Hi I'm dolly. Well my real name is Daniella , Daniella May Prescott. I'm 16 years old. My sister and I both being twins and being inseparable were running away from our alcoholic  foster mother she would lock us in a room and basically tortured us so we finally decide to leave we packed and ran for it we stayed at friends house.  I was sick and tired of running we couldn't say the wrong thing and we would have to be careful of what we did I was done and talked to my sister Lolly. " Lolly we can't do this forever we are running out of money , we can't just keep staying at our friends places so we either start working and get a life and fend for ourselves or were gonna end up dying. " " I know Dolly ok !! I -I don't know what to do ok .." she began to tear up and slammed her hands on the table and went outside I put my face in my hands and then plugged my headphones up to my phone and played " Bad girls club " by Falling In Reverse and began singing then I looked out the diner's window and saw that Lolly was talking to 3 girls in clown makeup which was soon joined by 4 other men two had clown makeup like the girls , one had orange hair and a mask and the other was a skeleton ??? I quickly unplugged my headphones and stuck my phone in my bag and grab my bag and ran out there. " WHAT HE HELL IS GOING ON BACK UP!!" I dropped my knuckles I had to learn that being shy could get you killed   you seem like a easy catch. "Woahhh there sweetheart we're just here to talk " said the orange haired man I still kept my fist clutched.

" I'm Blue " a girl with light brown hair like mine and blue and green makeup said first.

" I'm Ryo " said one of the men who had a beanie and blackish and blueish makeup he seemed some what older then the others " I'm the leader of the group " he puts his hand out giving me permission to shake his hand I was shaking and tried to cover to scars on my arms I'm more of a shy girl to be honest but I also am more of a rocker chick but I had a really hard time after our parents dumped us at the orphanage so I went through a bad depression for a long time my sister calls me emo alllll the time back to the point. I shake his hand quickly and pull back and covered my face as it turned a dark red.

" I'm Scooter " said a boy about our age maybe a tad bit older I stared I him for minute I felt something different about him I could he was different from the others. He wore a oversized t-shirt and skinny jeans he also had his hair in his face. He held his hand out and I shook it. We both turned red.

" I'm Loopy " she wore red a lot but her makeup was interesting remind me of a mime but not one y'know ?  anyway

" I'm Issac " the orange haired man said I couldn't really see his face well since he was wearing a mask.

" I'm ZooZoo " she said she seemed the same as Ryo maybe a tad younger I don't know.

" I'm Parker but you can call me daddy " he said as he winked and Blue slapped his shoulder " ow ! bitch " he said me and Lolly giggled and then I looked at him " I'm good on that I'll call you Parker" I said using finger guns and laughing .

" I'm Lolly " my sister told them as they looked at both of us confused because you know were twins I hate when this happens.

" I'm Dolly " I said waving as my hair covered my right eye I looked emo but didn't dress like it in front of my sister.

" You two have a place to stay " Ryo said looking at the both of us

"no" I said looking down trying not to cry because of the reason were running and Lolly hugs me close to her she acts like a older sister to me even though were twins I hate so much I push her off of me and rub my eyes wiping the tear slowly falling from my eye and look up at him.

' Were running from our foster mom." Lolly told Ryo he nodded. The girls grabbed our bags and threw them to the boys " you're coming with us " Blue said and Ryo agreed. We walked till we reached an abandon house I looked at Ryo confused." Just come in side and you'll understand " I walked I and it was the home I've always wanted it was warm and welcoming and it felt like well a home. ZooZoo took us to my room and then my sisters I started decorating it with posters , black lacy curtains and of course Falling In Reverse things. I unpacked and Loopy soon came in and did my make up. it was perfect. I had triangles under and above my eyes and eyebrows she also did wings on my eyelids and under my eye and connected them she added the final touch and put a black dot on my upper lip as a beauty mark  I suppose. I loved my make up ad Lolly came into my room surprised by the look of it but had the same look as me we smiled and hug we tried not to cry I whispered in my sisters ear " were home... were finally home"...

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