A little incident

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I leaned against the rail in the dugout, watching the opposing pitcher wind up with narrowed eyes. I'd been suspicious of him since the bottom of the first inning, when his borderline dirty pitching antics first started.

He hadn't actually hit any of our braves batters, but he had came close on more than more occasion. He was pitching dirty, and I don't like it.

My name is Liana Smith, one of the two athletic trainers for the Atlanta Braves organization. Working this job as a women, I fought hard to secure this position and I don't take it lightly when people disrespect their position and the positions of other players around them, which is exactly what the pitcher is doing in this game.

He kept pushing our players of the plate, and walked dansby because he just barely hit him on a brush by inside.
I kept my mouth shut and didn't say anything, but as Ronald grabbed his helmet from beside me, I gently touched his arm, he turned and looked at me.

"Just be careful okay? I don't trust that pitcher Ron."

He chuckled down at me, bending down he kissed my forehead gently,

"Don't worry Liana, it'll be okay,"

I watched as he grabbed his bat and jogged up the steps and over to bat. Ronald was the lead off man, and my eyes instantly fixed onto the pitcher as he stared Ronald down.

First pitch, inside, belt high. Ronald spun of the plate

Second pitch, inside, up by his hands.

I winced as Ronald jerked his hands back in time enough to not be hit by the ball. The pitcher threw a few more pitches, one strike and another ball.

The count was 3-1, and I held my breath as he went through his wind up,


Everything became a blur as I watched Ronald stumble and slouch to the ground holding his wrist, I raced out to him instantly, sliding down beside him, I frantically looked him over,

Lifting his head slightly, I looked into his eyes, seeing the pain there enraged me. He grabbed my shoulder and stood up, I pulled myself off the ground beside him and gently pulled his wrist into my hand, inspecting it for any signs of a break, luckily it didn't seem to be broken, most likely the ball caught a part of the bat and would leave him with a bruised wrist.

My relief quickly faded and was replaced with fiery anger when I looked over Ronald's shoulder and saw the pitcher standing there with crossed arms. He scoffed,

"He's not even hurt, how dramatic can you be."

My eyes widened in disbelief, and I carefully dropped Ronald's wrist and stepped around him, marching over to him and drawing myself up to his height

"What the heck are you saying?"

He rolled his eyes,

"Excuse me?"

"That takes a lot of nerve to say something like that with the crap you've been pulling this whole game."

He seemed like he didn't know what to say, but I still had plenty I could say.

"I've been watching you from that dugout this whole game, you have pitched inside time after time, you walked one batter because you hit him, and you could have seriously hurt Ronald, why don't you think about how you want to be respected and start respecting other people like that."

I snapped, and the pitcher backed up, if I didn't know better I'd say he looked almost apologetic. Almost.

The umpire stormed over to me,

"Ms Smith you have been ejected from this game."

I stared dumbly at him

"What? Are you crazy? How could I be the one being ejected right now?"

"He is too, but you did just have a blow up in his face about it."

I huffed,

"Well I didn't see you doing anything about it."

The umpire did a double take and started to lift his make off to say something else, when someone grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back towards the dugout.

"Dansby? What are you doing."

"Saving from being suspended, what were you doing?"

"You know he had that coming this Entire game."

Dansby shook his head, but I could see the sly grin he was trying to hold back.

Walking into the dugout, I scurried away from dansby as soon as I saw Ronald sitting on a bench at the end of the dugout, sitting down beside him, I looked down at his wrist,

"Are you okay?"

He looked at me, laughing he shook his head

"I'm fine, I should probably ask you if your okay, that was crazy."

"Well, he was a jerk, and I thought you were really hurt."

Ronald smiled at me,

"You defending me like that was pretty awesome."

I ducked my head,

"Well I would defend anyone."

He leaned down closer to me, kissing me gently, catching me by surprise, but I reached up and squeezed his shoulder gently.

I pulled away after a moment, i at least had to try to be professional, but my flaming red face probably shot my chances.

"Thanks for caring Li."

I smiled,

"I love you Ronald, now go ice you're wrist."

He wiggles his eyebrows at me,

"Come ice it for me."

I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest gently, giggling to myself as he raised his hands in surrender and ran away into the clubhouse to ice his wrist.

Ronald Acuña jr imagines (Atlanta braves) ❣️Where stories live. Discover now