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Cara looked at both men as they were being greeted by an overly enthusiastic Ms. Magaña, who had stopped them a few feet after they had entered through the door of the care home.

They had not brought their attention to the young caregiver in front of them just as quickly as Cara's attention was brought to the men. If they had, they would have noticed the look of happiness when Cara's eyes found the face of the kind, blond that she had met yesterday. They would have also noticed how quickly that expression was replaced with a look of panic when she saw the brunette.

The same brunette man that had Tommy had bumped into the day before.

They must work together, Cara thought as her heart sped up a bit. He must be the man who Tommy was talking about the other day. His partner. Mathew Murdock.

It had never occurred to either of them that the man that they had encountered  was the partner and best friend of, the only and only, Foggy Nelson. The same Foggy Nelson which had so graciously helped Tommy with his project. However, now that he was there, standing next to his partner, Cara felt ashamed of not realizing sooner.

Both men, though very drastically different in appearances, dressed very similarly in the black suits. Suits that, Cara would imagine, were suits that were commonly used by people who practiced law. The only thing that was different were the distinct piece of eye wear that was worn only by the brunette lawyer.

His red tainted glasses, such a detail that couldn't easily be forgotten; further confirmed Murdock to be the man that the trio had, quite literally bumped, into the day before.

Cara grimaced.

"Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please have a seat." Ms. Magaña said as she led the two men on the couch in which the two women had been previously having a conversation.

The lawyers complied. It wasn't until their guests were sat and comfortable, that Cara's presence was regarded by her loved boss.

"Gentlemen, this is my employee, Cara." Ms. Magaña said as she turned to her employee with a loving smile, one which Cara graciously returned to her boss.

"Hello." She said simply. She had already met Foggy, but considering these were work matters that they were addressing Cara found it best to act as if they were meeting each other for the first time. Completely unaware of the man's easy going nature that followed him everywhere, including his work.

"Hey Ms. Cara, nice to see you again!" The blond man happily greeted the caregiver with a friendly smile.

"Nice to see you too, Mr. Nelson."

"Mr. Nelson? Please, just call me Foggy."

Cara chuckled.  "Right. I'm sorry, Foggy."

Quickly, as though he had forgotten, Foggy turned to his 'friend' and made a gesture towards him. "This is Murdock. Mrs. Magaña called us over this morning."

Cara nodded her head. She didn't know what else to do. She barely mustered up a greeting to Murdock; to which he responded with a friendly smile and a curt nod before the room fell into an uncomfortable silence.

Foggy, though she had just seen him yesterday, had changed significantly since the last time she had seen him. He carried on his face a rather strained expression of happiness unlike the natural one that Cara had seen on him yesterday. He somehow, and almost impossibly, looked as if this was almost his constant expression that he carried on his face most of the time. Cara couldn't imagine that to be true, not from what she had seen the day before; but the theory still gnawed at the back of her head.

His partner, if she would dare to simplify their relationship as such,look suited him better (Tommy had said the day before that they were practically the best friends and went as far to describe them as brothers. Foggy's exact words.). His stern look seemed to come naturally to his face. Even the scars and bruises that he had, where he had gotten them Cara had no idea, seemed to fit in naturally.  To picture him without them seemed to be a challenge.

Seeing them sitting together, Cara could maybe see them being the perfect set of partners; but to be friends seemed like a stretch. They looked uncomfortable with one another, as if they had gotten into a disagreement just before they had arrived.      

"Well" Foggy cleared his voice trying to continue the already dying conversation. "It seems that you requested our presence Mrs. Magaña and well were here for any legal matter that you can possibly need."

"Ah" Cara's boss began. She responded as if she was also clueless on why she had needed the presence of the two lawyers that were seated in front of her. She was an elderly lady but though her age was not on her favor, she never acted as if the many years that she had lived on earth had affected her; and if she had, Cara had never truly noticed until that moment. "Yes, You see the reason why I had you two lovely gentlemen show up is because I'm worried about the situation of our children. More specifically, about the Care Home."

Cara's expression turned, quickly, to an interested one once she heard the reason why her boss had needed Nelson and Murdock's assistance. This was the first time that her boss had informed her about a problem of some sort and it was uncommon. Cara was the first to know about anything concerning the kids, after all after Mrs.Magaña, Cara was the second favorite among the children.

Mathew was the one to speak now. "What do you need Mrs. Magaña, I promise we'll do our best to help."

His voice was gentle and soft but held an authoritative tone; a lawyer voice. However once he spoke, Cara felt a sense of familiarity, as if she had heard the voice before.

A thought that was rushing to her mind with such force that Cara couldn't even begin process it. Her mind whirled trying to locate the origin of the voice, but it became difficult trying to listen to the conversation while trying to unravel the mystery; so she let it go.

Her boss was having a difficult time trying to get to the point, giving the history of how she had come to open the Care Home. From losing her own child and being committed to help other children giving them love, care, and the protection that they need;  the things that she wasn't able to do anymore with her deceased daughter.

A touching story, but everyone could tell that it was just a time waster. Whatever reason that she had brought them here, she was having a hard time getting to the point; making everyone in the room even more nervous.

When she finally managed to get the point on the table; the reactions around the room were not pleasant.

Murdock visibly stiffened. Foggy had his mouth wide open and his eyes looking towards his partner and the old woman in front of him. Cara was aware that she had stood up upon hearing the news. She looked at her boss, for any indication that she was joking, that she was going to tell them that it was ridiculous and that she had been joking; but there wasn't.

Cara couldn't be in the room anymore, and she excused her herself despite her bosses protests. Mrs. Magaña's repentful eyes met Cara's hurtful one's for a moment before Cara left the room, hugging herself, trying to pull herself together. She stepped outside and looked at all of her lovely kids playing joyfully, oblivious with what was happening around them.

She let out a shaky sigh, and let herself take out her phone. Cara began to search up the name of, who she had assumed was a man,  that her boss had mentioned earlier.

She began wondering how someone would want to buy the only home of a bunch of orphaned kids. Did he even care? Was he a man blinded by money and profit? Was he even aware of what would happen to the children once they had to go find somewhere else to go?

As Cara was conducted her investigation on the mysterious buyer. Mathew Murdock and Foggy Nelson were leaving with the same though in their mind.

Their 'conversation' prior to entering the Care Home (which could have been easily looked as an argument to any witness) , was no longer a dead conversation. It had been revived after their talk with Mrs. Magaña.

With one person connecting both conversations.

One man.

One, unforgettable, name. 

Wilson Fisk.

Vigilantes// Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now