Akina, wake up!

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"It's chasing me... Run faster... Run faster..!" I run faster, stumbling my feet away from the dark figure, my backpack bounces on my back, I take one strap off while I kept running and dropped it on the ground, I start to run faster as I reach the door, I come to a rushed stop and reach to turn the nob. I look behind me and~ 

"Akina." a soothing voice whispered in my ear. I open my eyes to a boy with smooth brown hair, bright blue eyes with a tint of green and a soft smile. I smile, realizing who it was. "Good morning sunshine." He said, kissing my forehead. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Your hair is a mess!" He said, teasing me. He gently rubbed my head as I yawned slightly. "Your mighty quiet." He said a little bit worried. I nodded, then proceeded to speak, "It was a rough night." Rubbing my head slightly. "Again..?" He said in a worried tone as he helped me up. I hugged him softly. "Where were you yesterday Shien?" I said in a bit of a sad tone, I left him messages, but no answer. "I was held up at work sweetie, I worked through my breaks." He replied, then held me closer. He let go softly and he pointed to my bag and my clothes. "Your gonna be late for school." He said. I looked at him from head to toe, he was already in his uniform. I pulled out my phone, realizing it was 7:15, I scrambled to get my clothes on, I threw on my backpack and ran out the door, I looked back wondering where he was. He was at the open door holding my shoes. I looked down at my black stockings and realized, I was running outside barefoot. I rushed back in and grabbed my shoes then put them on. Then, grabbed his hand.

 We slowly started walking to school, I tugged on his hand. "Hurry up, we're gonna be late!" I raised my voice a little bit, he grabbed my legs and picked me up off the ground and we started running to school. I laughed a bit. Finally, we arrived, we were on time by a long shot. I got down and grabbed Shien's hand again. We walked around the halls, analyzing the posters. We walked into the art haul. They were having a contest, we roamed around for a while, amazed. Shien whispered quietly in my ear; "You should enter." I shook my head. He giggled. I checked the time. It was about time for class. I waved goodbye and we parted our separate ways. I walked up the stairs with my bag on my back and headed to class. 

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