The Afflicted

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Raine's POV

"Happy 16th Birthday Raineshate!!"

"Ha-ha thanks, mom and dad!"

"So son do you wanna go drive your new car with your new license?"

"A new car!?!? Awesome! Yeah, how about I take the three of us out for dinner?"

"It's up to you honey, it’s your birthday money."

"All right then let’s go."

We got in my brand new 2010 Ford Mustang, which was jet black with two white racing stripes running down the hood. It was nighttime, my favorite part of the day. Which only made things so more enjoyable... Brand new car, my birthday, its dark outside and I’m with the two most important people in my life, my parents. I was taking them to their favorite Chinese Buffet, "The Golden Noodle", for being so good to me and always being there for me. On our way there it started raining. We finally arrived and we had a good time eating and talking about the past. We walked outside to find it pouring down rain, thundering and lightning and very strong winds.

"Think you can handle this weather son?"

I didn’t think I could but I wanted to show off a bit so I say "Yeah Dad, I’ll be fine." We got into the car and started driving home. It was about a ten minute drive on rural roads. As I was driving a got a text message and pulled out my phone. It was from my best friend Zack. I started replying to him thinking I could steer with my knees on a straight road... Well I was wrong. "Raine! What the hell do you think you’re doing?" Both of my parents yelled at the same time. They startled me so I dropped my phone and threw my arms on the steering wheel, and I lost control.

My dad reached over trying to help me gain control but it didn’t seem to work, we were headed towards the trees. I slammed on the breaks and the car slid on the wet surface, and then I saw I was too late. I heard the scraping of the trees rubbing against my car, then all of the sudden, everything went dark. I opened my eyes with all my strength and saw the I had hit a tree and it had fallen over on top of my car. I slowly turned my head in agony caused by a branch that had pierced my torso, and by all of the bruises i felt across my face and neck. I saw that the passenger seat was missing, all I saw was wood... and my father’s limp arm hanging from underneath it.

I yelled out "Mom?" as loud as I could but I'm sure it only sounded like a faint whisper. I heard no response. I didn't know whether she was dead or alive so I sat there and fell asleep.

I woke up hearing people surrounding me. An ambulance had shown up with several cop cars. I looked down and saw they had removed the branch from my torso, and bandaged it; I could feel the big empty hole in the branches place though.

You might be wondering how I’m still alive-- I’m there with you on that one, but why I’m alive wasn’t my concern. I needed to find out how my mom was. I looked to my left, there was my car and I saw that the medics were pulling her out. I watched anxiously. Then my eyes widened with horror and sorrow. They were pulling my mother’s upper body from the wreck, without the lower half...


"Raineshate! Wake up, you old homeless person! Ha-ha-ha, I never get tired of saying that."

I woke up startled. I said, "What the hell do you want Zack?"

"It's time for school so get your lazy ass out of your ally way and get in the car." All I really heard was Blah Blah Blah. The only thing that was on my mind at the moment was my nightmare... or I wish it was. It was actually a flashback of the night I murdered my parents 6 months ago.

"Alright I’m coming out..."

"And don’t forget to change back to your real self; I don’t want to show up at school with a homeless person again."

"Yeah, I know it’s not like I’m stupid enough to forget I’m a shape shifter."



Ok, so this is a story i had stuck in my head. This is just the beginning and ill explain how Raineshate becomes what he is through his flashbacks or nightmares. Please comment on it and tell me what you think. I will continue this story if i get enough VOTES!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2010 ⏰

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