Chapter 12: Back to Reality

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"Oh hush!" He playfully nuged me. Patton reached over and brushed the flour off my face. I decided to inform him about the mess that his hair was.

"You've got sticks in your hair." I chuckle.

"Is it a good look on me?"

"Nope." I stuck out my tounge and began plucking the twigs out. Our banter was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. We looked to see who it was and saw Logan and Roman running down the street. Roman was carrying my Ipod and Logan had Patton's glasses. They were running in the rain and soaking wet. They ran up to us and Roman immediately began talking.

"Have either of you seen two guys in masquerade masks?"

"Uhhhhhh- they went that way." I pointed down the street.

"Thanks. I'll- wait. I recognize you."

"U-uhhhhhh." I began panicking

"You're the boy who I ran into in the hallway."

"O-oh! Yeah! That's me." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Well I'd better get going. Try not to run into anyone else, ok?"

"Heh, alright." And with that the two were off on a hunt for the boys that were right in front of them. Once they were far enough away, Patton spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell him!?"

"I dunno. Why didn't you tell Logan?"

"Uhhhhmmm. No reason." I chuckled before standing up and stretching.

"Today was a good day but we should get to bed. We have school tomorrow. Dreams can't last forever and we have to go back to reality eventually."

"Goodnight Virgil." Patton said in his normally cheery voice.

"Goodnight Pat." I walked into the basement and laid down on my bed, hugging my pillow and smiling to myself as I remembered the beautiful night I just had. My daydreaming was interrupted by the sound of the basement door opening.

And who did I see standing there but the coffee king himself, Remy.

"Heeeyy!" He said, seeming more awkward than usual.

I tensed up a little as I fully expected him to start confessing all his pent up feelings but tried my best to act casual "Hi Remy, do you need something?".

"I just wanted to say hi. . . and inform you on something."

"Oh uhm, what is it?" I sat up and faced him.

"Believe it or not I made a new friend at the dance, he was the mystery boy that Janus was talking about and funnily enough I payed very close attention to him all through out the night."


"The mystery guy some how knew my name was Remy even though I didn't tell him. He was dressed in purple and black. You also dress in purple and black. He was timid and shy. You're also timid and shy. I used that, along with a few other comparisons, to figure out who this mystery guy was." My eyes widened as a bunch of thoughts rushed through my head.

Does he know? Did he actually figure it out? No, he couldn't have.

"Oh please, that's crazy." I tried my best to laugh it off but it clearly wasn't working.

"Don't play stupid. I know it was you." My brain went into panic mode.

"R-remy please. Think about this. D-don't tell Remus, I'll clean your whole room top to bottom-"

"Why would I tell him?" I froze.

"Because he's your dad and you usually just do what he wants." I said, somewhat unsure.

"Our little talk in the bathroom made me realize just how silly it is for me to want to please them, they will never love me and that's okay, so I might as well do the right thing and not tell." He smirked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Thank you so much!"

"Who else would I do it for other than my favorite brother?"


"Well, yeah. Janus is the worst, he bullies me and treats me like trash, you're so nice and actually make me feel like a person!"

"But what about Roman?"

"I have no interest in that guy. I have my coffee."


"I guess I'll get going then."

"Alright, goodnight Remy." He turned around and began walking opstairs until I got up and stopped him "Remy... I'm sorry for never thanking you for being so nice." he gave me a smirk and smugly replied with a small "Don't worry, I already know that from our little talk.".

As he began leaving he stopped and stared at me "Also sorry about the suit. It looked terrible anyway and the plot needed some drama." He laughed and then walked back upstairs, leaving me confused as all hell. I shrugged and laid down, eventually drifting out of Consciousness.

(Great, now we have to rebuild the fourth wall. Thanks Remy.)

Ten Minutes Ago: A Sander Sides Cinderella AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora