The Great Prince Part 4 As Endless As Her Love

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He told Princess Anna nothing of the curse. Still not knowing his bride's motives, he didn't want her to be aware of any changes the future might hold in case she tried to sabotage him.
Still, her every waking moment was spent on the Prince, feeding and rubbing him until he drifted into a contented sleep, gaining even while he slumbered.

By the time the Kingdom had found the evil Sorceress the Prince had swelled to fill his entire expanded chamber, and his bride was spending her days trying to arrange for the walls to be expanded and rubbing his tender belly where it pressed against the walls. "My poor Prince." She said soothingly. "I wish the walls could grow with you so your soft flesh would not be confined so tightly."

Nicholas found himself growing hard at the idea that she might really wish not for him to lose weight, but that he might gain more comfortably, but before his bride could notice his arousal a servant announced that the King and Queen were on their way with a prisoner.

Anna looked very confused by this news, and even more so when Nick sent her away, but he knew he needed to hear from the prisoner, to find out how to reverse the curse.

When his parents arrived with the evil Sorceress Prince Nick was surprised at how small and weak she appeared, her small form only barely in the doorway since he filled the rest of the room. But then the sorceress began laughing at his great size, clearly amused by the success of her curse.
"You must reverse the curse." Nick demanded, his voice clear and confident.

"The curse cannot be reversed." The Sorceress cackled, giving his belly a poke that sent ripples through his flesh. "But curses only have the power that we give them."
Nick's mouth dropped open, his many chins jiggling. "Then I shall keep gaining forever?" He added despite himself.

"No." The Sorceress said,smiling meanly. "The curse was not that you would always gain weight." She explained. "But that you would grow every time someone—not your parents—had a genuinely kind and loving thought about you."
"But I—" The Prince was confused. "I will not always gain? Is there any way to lose weight?"

The Sorceress smiled again. "I didn't think my curse would be this effective." She told him, giving his great gut a gentle shove that sent a tidal wave through his swollen adipose. "You must have found someone who genuinely loves you for you to gain as heavily as you have. Send her away and the flesh will gradually melt away." She sneered. "You will still be obese if your Kingdom continues to love you, but only true love could make you grow to such an immense man. Send her away and you will lose."

The Prince looked at his parents, confused. After several more minutes of trying go get the curse reversed the King sent the Sorceress to be imprisoned, and then the Princess returned, concern on her face. "Oh, my Prince." She said, running to the front of his belly and wrapping her arms in his sweet flesh. "I heard a Sorceress was here and I was so worried about you."

Even as her arms were buried in his flab Nick could feel himself swelling. A soft crack sounded from one of the walls and Anna stretched up onto her toes to see his face, a smile making her even more beautiful. "Oh, not even a Sorceress can stop my sweet Prince from growing, can she?" She said indulgently. "I will send for some servants—"

Nicholas could see his belly swelling further through the doorway, and feel himself growing tighter against the walls.
"You must stop." He admonished her, worried about the cracking he'd heard. "The more you love me the bigger I grow."
"Well, then you will grow as endless as my love." Anna said playfully, not realizing he was serious. "I could never stop loving my Prince no matter how heavily he gains."

"No, it is a curse." He explained, trying to ignore the way the walls pinched ever tighter. "The Sorceress cursed me to gain every time you think a loving thought about me."
The Princess looked alarmed. "But—how could I ever stop thinking loving thoughts about you?" She asked, sounding genuinely confused. She wrapped her arms around him as he grew into her. "You are my Prince—every new inch of you is all my own."

Prince Nicholas felt the now familiar tightness of the walls on his love handles. "You must stop thinking nice thoughts about me." He chastised his Princess.
"I'm sorry." Anna told him sincerely. "I'm trying, but I love you."

Even as she spoke the words the Prince felt himself gaining. Dust floated down from new cracks in the walls as his weight pressed against them. "You must leave." He told her, realizing if she didn't go he would break the walls. "Leave and do not come back."
Anna looked at him for just a moment, tears welling in her eyes before she nodded. "I will go, my Prince." She said, touching his warm skin one last time. Nick saw his blubber creeping up the walls on either side of him. "Go." He said quietly, and then she was gone.

He felt her last tear trickle down the side of his belly, too far away for him to see, but he felt it's every movement as it spilled to the floor.
It's for the best. He told himself.
"Nicholas." His mother said after Anna had left. "Are you sure you want to send the Princess away?"

Nick nodded slowly, his many chins jiggling. "I have to." He insisted. "If I don't sent her away I will continue to gain."
His parents exchanged a look and then nodded. "We want you to be happy, Nicholas." His father told him. "If this will make you happy we will support you."
"This is what I want." The Prince insisted. "It's the only way I'll ever lose weight."

So the Princess was sent far away from the Kingdom and slowly the walls felt less tight against the Prince's body.
"You're looking well." His mother said one day many weeks after the Princess had left. "Very soon we will be able to squeeze in between you and the walls."
"Then we'll be able to have some men in to check to make sure the walls aren't going to crumble." His father added, patting his son's middle.

Nicholas forced himself to smile, but he couldn't help but think about how Anna would have wanted to inspect every inch of his circumference to make sure he had no scrapes or scratches, her delicate fingers tracing his stretch marks as she made her way around him.
But Anna is not here. He reminded himself. And it is for the best.

No matter what Nicholas ate as the weeks flew by, he still lost weight. It wasn't a lot, and he knew he had a long way to go but before he knew it his belly was no longer straining against the walls.
"I can fit my hand between you and the walls, Prince Nicholas." One of the servants told him cheerfully. "Before you know it there'll be room enough for a person to slip between your belly and the wall without being crushed."

The Prince smiled, but he was wishing it was Anna's hand slipping between his flesh and the wall. Anna would have probably loved to feel me squeezing against her again. He thought. But then, when Anna was around I was always expanding and never losing weight.
"Oh, Nicholas." The Queen said one day while the servants powdered his many swollen rolls. "I think you've lost enough weight for us to get the walls fixed."

"You've lost so much in such a short time." The King noted. "Isn't it something to think that perhaps someday you'll walk again?"
Nick nodded, but he knew it was far off. Even if he continued to lose weight as fast as he was, he was still dozens of tons away from even seeing his feet. Besides which, he couldn't think of anywhere he'd want to go without his Princess by his side.

"Nicholas?" His father said, noticing the Prince's somber mood. "Are you all right, my son?"
Nick heaved a sigh that sent ripples through the blubber filled room. "I was just missing Anna." He explained. "I wish I could overcome the power of the curse and bring her back."

His mother gave him a serious look. "Nicholas, curses only have the power that we give them."
Nicholas nodded, falling deep into thought. This curse was so powerful it made me send away my one true love. He thought sadly. And then he blinked, realization dawning on him. My one true love. Anna really did love me. It was her loving thoughts that made me gain weight. He look around at his rolls that stretched to the walls of the great chamber. And she must have had so many loving thoughts to make me gain so heavily!

A smile spread across his face, making his full cheeks dimple. She wasn't after my crown. He thought. She really did love me.
And then, just as quickly he realized something else. Curses only have the power we give them. The bad part of the curse wasn't that I have grown to be whale sized. He realized. It was that it made me send away the one person who truly loved me.

And all at once he knew what he needed to do.
"Send for Anna." He bade his parents. "I must have her back."
The Queen nodded, her smile returning. "Of course, my son. I will send for her immediately."

It seemed like an eternity before the Princess was brought back to the Kingdom, and Nicholas lost nearly a ton while he impatiently waited. His gut shrunk enough that very slim servants could squeeze into the room with him, but Nick didnt want anyone around but his bride.
After an eternal wait Princess Anna finally arrived, looking even more beautiful than she'd ever looked before.

She drew her breath in sharply as she saw her beloved. "My Prince." Anna said, running over to him, this time her tears spilling for joy.
Even before she reached him, Prince Nick could feel the familiar tightness of the room on his lovehandles, and then she was climbing up his enormous gut, her hands caressing even as she climbed. Soon her arms were around what remained of his neck, and her lips were pressing into his as tightly as his belly was pressing into the walls.

They kissed for several minutes, each equally glad to see the other.
"I'm going to keep gaining." Nick warned his Princess. "If you keep loving me so much I'll never stop gaining."
"I'll never stop loving you no matter how much you gain!" Anna told him, kissing him over and over again even as the walls cracked. As the walls collapsed and his rolls burst free of their confines he knew she was telling the truth.

Anna looked at him in surprise, her eyes wide as they took in the destroyed bedchamber. "Oh, my Prince." She said, biting her lip. "How I've missed the feeling of your belly growing in my arms."
"I've missed your hands on me." He admitted, feeling a familiar swelling in his gut as well as deep below it. "Gaining heavier and heavier feels so good when you're with me, knowing how sated you keep me."

Anna leaned in to kiss him and he felt himself swelling outwards faster than ever. "Then you shall gain until you fill the castle, my Prince." She promised. "Because I want to spend my life satisfying all of your growing needs."
The Princess had no idea his true her words were.

Before long the Prince grew to fill and then overflow the castle. Walls were knocked down, homes inside the castle walks were moved, and still he gained.
A second walled Kingdom was built outside the castle walls to accommodate the people, and the prosperity that the Prince had retained for them and the transition easy.

Before long, Nicholas's belly filled the courtyard, pressing against the walls that had surrounded the castle, and still, Anna clung to him, her small hands rubbing his overflowing belly.
"You are the greatest Prince to ever live." Anna said reverently, caressing his blubber. "And I will make sure you are an even greater King some day."

The castle walls were now as tight around Nicholas's middle as his suit had been the day he met her, and he was starting to bulge upwards over the edges of the wall. The entire Kingdom rejoiced at their great Prince, taking parts of the old castle as good luck tokens even as the Prince burst through new walls.

"I want to gain even more." The Prince admitted, aroused as gravity caused his swelling breasts to spill into an abandoned turret. "I never want to stop growing."
"You never will, my Prince." Anna promised him. "Because my love for you grows as much as you do."
She gasped in ecstasy as she heard a wall bursting at the excess weight pressed against it. "Keep gaining." She begged. "Keep gaining."

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