(26) Just a bet i regret

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Woah I'm such a poet ^
SonadOWO / sinadow Here you go I hope you like it killer kare bruh this is the longest oneshot I've ever written. It's over 2670 words man.

Sonic P.O.V

I had recently called shadow over to a race so we could settle a little rivalry. I had recently also fed his ego, admitting he was stronger than me. We had a little competition. He beat me after lifting two cars stacked on top of eachother over his head. Show off but whatever. At least I know I'm the fastest. He said he had claimed that title too. I then had a little bet.

"I'm ok with you being stronger but the fastest is all me." I was on the phone with him as I was making a Sandwich.

"HAH please hedgehog dont make me laugh. As the ultimate life form I have all the titles. And i am certainly not inferior to a normal hedgehog like yourself. I actually been meaning to study how you are even that fast without completely shattering your knees.hmm..." Shadow replied as I put the finishing touches on my Sandwich. He trailed off at the end and even I fell silent.

"Sure.... But I'll prove it to you. Meet me at 6 pm today on top of scenery mountain. Whoever makes it down faster gets the prize and the title." I said smugly knowing what he was gonna ask me next.

"What's the prize?" Once I heard him say that I got the biggest grin ever.

I took a bite out of my Sandwich and said very casually, "Moh you know like your chaos memerald," I swallowed my piece of sandwhich that made my speach a little weird and said a final , "Ok cya bye!"

Shadows P.O.V

My eye twitched out of pure annoyance. That son of a- Y'know what ima wipe that smug smile off his face when I beat his sorry ass.

Just in case I checked my head quills to see if he was lying or not and my emerald was gone. Aw shit here we go again.

I have to race this inferior so I could get my property back. This is a load of crap. Fine he wants to race then I'll give them a hella of a good race.

"Great now I gotta go charge my hover shoes so I could have a good first start in the race." I said to myself as I went to angel island where the master emerald was. And yes I know I'm not physically faster then sonic but the shoes are apart of my package so basically they are apart of me. Soooooooooooo same thing.

*le time skip brought to you by Jim the meme man*

Me and the blue boy we're on top of the hill. I saw my emerald down at the bottom. "Explain to me twink. What is the rules?" I said in a deeper voice since I was actual quite bored at the moment.

"First of all, the rules are: There are no rules. This is a free for all. And second of all! What's a twink?" Sonic stated. But once he asked his questions I laughed. I looked over to see sonic blushing, "W-What?! T-Tell me!"

"Your a younge, gay, and cute boy. Not to be gay or anything but honestly your a twink like if it weren't for your voice, eye lashes, and lack of chest I would 100% think you were a hot girl." I said that to make him flustered and get him off his game. He did say they were no rules.

" What? S-Shut up!" Sonics face was brighter than his future will ever be.

I walked toward sonic till he hit a tree. He looked up at me as I put one of my hands next to his head trapping him. I used my other hand to grab his chin. I made him look me in the eye as I gave my most lust filled voice, " You look adorable~ When I win you could come to my place and, " I leaned in until our lips were only a second apart from eachother and finished my sentence, " I'll treat you to something that you will never forget baby~"

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